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Wednesday, February 21, 2007 Wednesday. 21 Feb 2006. heys! happy CNY. (: its my study break now. YAYY. finally. (: oh well. um. anyway. you know something. have you watched the movie "she's the man?" YOU MUST WATCH IT!!! its SUPERRRRR funny! (: (: okay i can understand almost EVERYTHING'S funny to me. but this movie is just SUPER SUPER FUNNY. SERIOUSLY. WATCH IT AND I BET YOU'LL LAUGH THE CRAP OUT MANN! HAHA (: its so o funny!! ha. HA. anyway have a great week you guys! haha. i've gotta study. ): ): i really hate sec 3. it sucks. like. crap. oh well. ANY-WAY. bye central three! <3 [lisa`] weareradical at 4:33 AM
Monday, February 19, 2007 hey all! i hope ya'll having a good chinese new year! i sure had a nice time just chilling with my paternal relatives in malaysia. ang pows are quite nice too (: there are some things i need to address! 1. sponsor a dahlit child. we have "adopted" a dahlit child. more details about him coming soon! of course, we need to think how we can raise the money to sponsor him. i found out that we need to pay the lump sum first. $540 for the whole year. yupp. so i need people who are willing and able to contribute to this sum and them recieve payments each month. yupp.. please pray about it and see how much you can loan to the cell (: 2. OTC otc rocks! any amens? haha. i wonder how ya'll have been doing so far. only 2 days into it and i know of some of ya'll who are already falling behind.. hahaha.. time to buck up! its not that difficult la. also, lets not treat this as another religious duty or chore. lets put this in the highest priority in our daily schedules. and those that still DO NOT HAVE THEIR OTC MATERIALS please be proactive in trying to get it. dont let shawn and i be having to worry about it all the time. yupp.. so if you still dont have, please approach shawn. thanks! 3. punctuality for service yes. it has come to my attention that some of ya'll are in the bad habit of coming late.. everybody say "ORH HOR......." and point to the people who are always late. haha. yes.. in all seriousness, its not good to be late for service. its not good to be late for ANYTHING for that matter. come early for service. like 415.. sit around and chit chat or something. dont be rushing in for service den take another 5 mins of the worship segment to calm down. not God honoring ok! thats all for now. time for a joke. An elderly couple walk into a fast food restaurant. They order one hamburger, one order of fries and one drink. The old man unwraps the plain hamburger and carefully cuts it in half. He places one half in front of his wife. He then carefully counts out the fries, dividing them into two piles and neatly placing one pile in front of his wife. He takes a sip of the drink, his wife takes a sip and then sets the cup down between them. As he begins to eat his few bites of hamburger, the people around them keep looking over and whispering "That poor old couple - all they can afford is one meal for the two of them." As the man begins to eat his fries a young man comes to the table. He politely offers to buy another meal for the old couple. The old man replies that they''re just fine - they''re just used to sharing everything. The surrounding people noticed the little old lady hadn''t eaten a bite. She sits there watching her husband eat and occasionally taking turns sipping the drink. Again the young man comes over and begs them to let him buy another meal for them. This time the old woman says "No, thank you, we are used to sharing everything." As the old man finishes and was wipes his face neatly with the napkin, the young man again comes over to the little old lady who had yet to eat a single bite of food and asks "May I ask what is it you are waiting for?" The old woman answers... "THE TEETH." -ming weareradical at 11:34 PM
Yes! Pull your ears! the new year is here once again (: for those who haven't handed up your work although the due date has passed, beware! you are one year late! yeah don't worry. we still have other new years for the other races. yup. ever wondered why people have steamboat during their renuion dinner? its because the shape is round (圆), which represents togetherness or something (团圆)yeah i heard this during our school's CNY celebration =P haha. anyway, the term is coming to a close soon. so yeah, i hope you guys have enjoyed school so far, and for those who don't really like studying (including me!haha) i guess we just have to accept it. we have 3 terms + more to go to the end of the year. but it doesn't stop here. lifelong learning! no choice, ya? so why don't we just chalk up a small amount of time during the 1 week holiday to stop and reflect upon this term? after all, don't just have fun. your break is 1 week long. you have 10 weeks in a term. wouldn't you rather lead a fruitful 10 weeks than a all fun 1 week? yeah. so we can just find a quiet spot, think of everything you've done so far. think of changes you can make to your attitude, behaviour etcetc. If you have been having a great term, then keep it up! yupp. haha. For those who have CAs, they're approaching/ already arrived! yeah, so study hard! get it over and well done with. remember to be up-to-date with your OTC too! yup. according to the handbook, you actually only need 1/2h for your quiet time daily. what's 1/2h daily compared to all the time the Lord has watched over you? yeah. but there may be times where we are really too busy. so i guess there are exceptions too! yup (: oh yah. i'm Jae. yup. i've enjoyed the time in this cell and in megalife, yeah. so, thanks to everyone! haha. here's to a great year ahead! Love the Lord! Jae. weareradical at 11:34 PM
Monday, February 12, 2007 Monday 12 Feb 2006. hello central three!! (: (: heh. im tired so i decided i'll come pop by you guys. WHEE! pop pop. haha okay fine thats not funny. well anyway last week zheng yi told me this SUPER lame joke. HAHA. omg kay. its really super super WHATEVER. no need to say. ask him who told him the joke. bet you it'll make you laugh even more. AHAHAHA! LAUGH LAUGH LAUGH! HAHA. but anyway. or wait. maybe you won't cause your taste (you guys taste) not the same as mine. HAHA. anyway! this is how the joke goes! life has 3 rings. 1. engagement ring. 2. marrige ring. 3. suffer-ing. is that lame or is that lame. anyway. today school assembly to me was quite impacting. for me. (: it was talking about "not my will, but yours be done Lord." during assembly. i <3333 my school. (besides the homework and tests. HAHA.) it was referring back to last chapel service. topic was power of GOd. then like the pastor was talking about a lot of testomonies of his friends and family who got healed under the power of GOd when they asked God for healing. i can't excactly remember what the stories are since the pastor told us so so many and like. my brain everyday as it always is, is filled with all sorts of random thoughts. and worries over studies or whatever crap luh huh. so i can't excactly remember. but well the stories are really very impacting. (: so well anyway, its like. toay assembly the message was that what we ask of God, not every single time we'll get. just cause for one person, they asked something of God and they got it from God, it doesn't prove and mean and demonstrate that if we just ask something from God, we'll get it. like vending machines. if we just put in 1 buck. or more. or less. we'll get the drinks and food we want. but praying about GOd's will for our lives doesn't work that way, it doesn't work the way like a vending machine. (: yeah. as for me that really reminded me that yet no matter how much one wants to GO. go do great things for God. like going on mission trips. if God did not intend for you to go on missions, or not at that time, or perharps He has something else He intends for you that He wants you to do. we must obey and surrender to God. we must empty ourselves and let God fill us with HIs Holy Fire so that God can use us. (: ya. and like when we wanna do great things for God, it'll never be easy. there's bound to be obstacles but we just gotta keep pressing and pressing on. and we must really get a confirmation from God that it IS what He wants for us (: like spend time praying time over it, and seeking God's face. (: and well yeah. (: God never fails to amaze us. (: haha. well anyway. i've gotta sleep. cya soon! oh yeah. on friday. gong xi fa cai hong bao na lai kay kkay JOKING only. =P (: bye! (: love, Alisa. (: weareradical at 6:39 AM
Saturday, February 03, 2007 hello! just realised i have not posted for a long time.. first! now when you wanna log in to the blog account, use the " google account" the user name is password is the same. if dont know, as during cell (: ok.. so yesterday was very fun! for me at least (: here's an account of all that happened for those that could not be with us for various reasons. service was going to end late. so when pj dismissed those that wanted to go off first, central three went out to gather in the atrium. so after sorting out the OTC stuffs, the cell excluding shawn and ming went to dte on a mission. with only 20mins, the had to fill up a 1.5litre bottle of water with 20 different things. edible things. so they went and put in a few different chili sauces, some bbq sauce, some PAPER and other things. it looked like teh tarik! or vomit. both la.. when they returned to the atrium, zheng yi went up to them and told them to proceed to pasir ris park. the cell was doubtful about what zheng yi had told them at first but proceeded to proceed to PP yay. they arrived at PP to a warm welcome by Shawn and Ming. den shawn and ming tricked them into thinking that they were having a barbecue dinner! haha. and den they also got tricked into thinking that they had to camp overnight in PP.. LOL!! that was ultra funny.. ok. so we proceeded with the days proceedings. task 1. drink up to the mark, marked by a rubber band. yes. im refering to that 1.5 litres of atrocity. haha. and im proud to say they did it in 2 min 40 sec. haha. well done EVERYONE!!! it was great to see different one's just taking the damage for the rest of the team. haha. remember! when one in a cell goes down, the rest of us, we must be there to help take some damage so that that one person does not have to do it all alone. we have to be there for each other! thats what cell group is about! so the ran to shawn to do task 2 task 2 was rather simple and not disgusting at all. fill up 3 small sandwich bags with grass that they have to pluck from the ground around. im not really sure what else happened there. but i know they completed the task in good time. haha.. so the ran, holding hands to ming for task 3. task 3 could have gone either way.. they had to undo the human knot. (its the one where you stand in a circle and grab someone else's hand and den try to form a nice circle again. haha.. ) their first atempt failed as 5 people were in a circle of their own making in unsolvable. so they had to restart with only 4 mins left to solve it. they did it in the end.. but they exceeded their time. haha. so they had to drink more. so almost everyone took turns to drink up. haha.. good job on being sporting and not complaining! haha.. and samuel kept saying he was allergic to chili. haha.. but he still drank -_-" haha.. so they arms around each other's shoulder's to the next task. the electric fence. it was simple. they had to get everyone over an imaginary fence marked by a raffia string without touching it. they touched it alot. but they completed it in the end. the VERY LONG end. haha.. so they hopped with arms around shoulders to ming to do their next task. haha. the final one was a blind fold game. ted kept moving his face and moving his eyes. and no matter what he did, he always could see... hahahaha.. so we made him go buy dinner... while the rest of ya'll had to undergo the torturous tortures of us making ya'll walk around blind to find each other.. fun la. haha.. shawn and ming went around disturbing peopl, slapping their butts and all. hhaha.. but ya'll always could do it. so we just had to keep making it harder for you. hahaha. the day ended with nice 6 inch subway with the taste of the "teh tarik" still lingering on our tongues. good times. [ming] weareradical at 9:10 PM