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Thursday, March 29, 2007 Just what is my purpose in life? Is it just to worship the Lord, do your work, study, slack, play, have fun etcetc? Well, then just what "live life to the fullest" actually mean? Or is the phrase just some nonsensical rubbish which the world has come up with? We talk about purpose. We talk about serving him in ministry. e.g. missions, worship, etc. We talk about saving the world. We talk, we talk, and we talk! However, just how much action do you see? In a church, a youth congregation, out of the whole congregation, just how many participate in what they always talk about when they talk about serving Him? Yes, i admit, i have not done much. We talk about life. What is life, to us? Life, to someone who has no religion, may just be something where you live to please others and let yourself live in comfort! You may write nice essays to please the examiner to get good grades and land yourself in a good position! You give nice comments to get favour! yes, we may do it unconsciously, but truth is, we do such things. For, we want to suceed. We have to suceed. Isn't that the ultimum of many people in this world who don't know the Lord, what He has done for us? So why don't we, as followers of Christ, just step out of our comfort zone, go out there, and reach out to those who need help! They may the rejects of your school, or even your own neighbours! They may be the ones who reject you, the ones who have feuds with you, but when it comes to worshipping the Lord, fufilling your purpose, just what do those small matters count as? Frankly, nothing. Yes, human nature. We may find it difficult to accomplish. However, trying is better than nothing. Not just trying, but trying your BEST. The best, is what He would be pleased at. Go! Jae weareradical at 7:48 AM
Monday, March 26, 2007 Monday, 26 March 2007. hey (: you know sth. i tell you a very inspiring story.. (: a teacher one day came up to his students and said "i will give you all challenges, and you have to choose one to fulfill. you can either record a pop song on your own, or....." blah blah blah. whatever challenges left. then the teacher said "last challenge! i give you the last challenge. do something that will make a difference in the lives of 1 million people." one of the students said "but teacher thats too hard! how is that ever possible." the teacher said " you should think about it because it is the easiest challenge!" so the student thought about it, and came up with a solution. he went to 3 students the next day of, and gave each one of them a lollie and a hug. then he said "each of you. do this to three other people. and get them to do this to three other people as well. lets keep this process going and see how things turn out. " when he met the teacher, he told the teacher " teahcer! i thought of a solution. go to 3 people and tell them to do something that will impact someone else's lives, like a hug, or giving lollies. and ask them to pass this on to another three people and another three, and ask them to keep the process going." the teacher said "thats great!" its really very interesting. can you think of the solution? i couldn't really. haha. the solution is as mentioned above. and mathematically speaking, it doesn't take very long for this solution work out. as in it doesn't take very long to keep the process going, and doesn't take very long to affect at least a million people. in fact, the process only has to repeat itself 120 times (f i'm not wrong) because mathematically speaking, 3 to the power of 120 is 1.7970...... and the long string of decimals go on. its real cool huh. (: besides, 129 aint that hard. cause every where you go, with friends and family, its extremely easy for the process to repeat. SO COOL OKAY (: weareradical at 5:12 AM
Saturday, March 17, 2007 hey all, holidays have come to an end (everyone say crap!) and i'm stuck with a pile of homework. i'll try to work through the night. sigh. anyway, i really hope that this easter many people will come to Christ through our cell. GOGOGO! haha. pray for me: i'm getting quite lame recently. anyway, i hope that all of us will bring like lots of people from our sch. i believe that if you are able to make that step, it will really help you in your spiritual growth. as for me, i still need God to give me courage in approaching my classmates. frankly, the reason why i don't have the courage to approach is because i fear rejection. seriously. it's like i'm one of the few people in my class who are christians. although they know i'm a christian, but i still do not dare to approach them and invite them to our christmas service. it's like quite awkward for me. truthfully, i haven't invited anyone to church from my school before. ah well. i really hope that the Lord will give me the extra courage! trust /trʌst/ –noun 1. reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence. trust. that was the 1st defination out of 24. I don't fully trust the Lord yet. i hope it's a yet. As i mentioned, i can't even trust the Lord with my studies. because it's like: come on! can the Lord actually help you get into the top band? can the Lord actually put all the information into your mind? yeah. that's how i honestly feel. i thought about it, and my answer to the 1st question is yes, the 2nd is no. the Lord is able to give you the peace of mind, the focus for you to study. such that you will excell. that is what i need. but i haven't committed my studies to the Lord yet. I don't know why, but my studies is really the main obstacle in my relationship with the Lord. this world works on trust. hence, comes along betrayal be·tray /bɪˈtreɪ/ –verb (used with object) 2. to be unfaithful in guarding, maintaining, or fulfilling: to betray a trust. from once again. it mentions to be unfaithful. yes, we have betrayed the Lord time and again. we are sinners, after all. we break His laws. we betray His trust in us. His confidence in us. when someone betrays us, we can sometimes accept it if he makes it up to us, right? Hence, why don't we just try to make it up to the Lord. during worship, let us worship Him wholheartedly. Lose ourselves in the midst of his awesome presence. that is a stage i hope to reach in my worship soon. so, let us make it up to the Lord this easter by bringing all your pre-believing friends. let us fill the house of the Lord with worship, spoken from the very depths of our hearts. let us make a turning point for this world. turn the world to the Lord. not money, the Lord. not acceptance from the world, Love from the Lord. not materials, but salvation. let the whole world be saved. into the eternal glory of the Lord. we can start with easter, or even our next service. let us help those in need. reach out to all our pre-believing friends. for when two or more people are congregated, the presence of the Lord will definately fill His house. let us work towards saving the world as our greatest target, starting with a smaller target of our batch/class. i believe we can do it. Enjoy term 2. fill your life with the Holy Spirit, let Him take control over your life, and see the wonders which will take place in any aspect of your life. Jae weareradical at 8:51 AM
Friday, March 16, 2007 FRiday. 16 March 07. i really don't know why im doing this. but this thing came to mind suddenly. im super weird these days. all these super awkward, random stuff i think about and think about for i don't know what. haha. but anyway,so i decided i'll post. besides im tired anyway. (: thats why it was called GRACE; Grace : mercy, clemency, pardon ( but have you ever wondered why the word "grace" ever came about? it was called grace. it was given from Christ, from Heaven above when He died for us, our sins, every wrong doing (: but the thing is, we don't even deserve it. so WHY do we still receive God's grace? because God loves us that much. i once heard this story. i forgot when, where, and who i heard it from. stupid me. but oh well. this is what it said. "Jesus, who much do you love me?" a boy asked Jesus. Jesus stretched out His arms and said, "this much". its inspiring how two lines like that are memorable. but well. its even more inspiring how such a simple story and make you think about GRACE. (: so God loves us so much. (: each time we sin, each time we fall..His grace is sufficient (: ever lasting His light shines when all else fades. and so, THAT was why its called grace. to me, i think grace is really really significant in the christian walk with Christ (: thats why its called grace. because God loves us so much, He'd give it to us..even when we don't deserve it; because God loves us so much, He'd die for us, for our sins.. for EVERY wrong doing.. and because we didnt deserve it.. it was called.. GRACE; on that very day when the clouds were dark and the sky was grey, He hung on that cross and paid the price.. and though that, the people saw His grace; Alisa. (: weareradical at 7:35 AM
Saturday, March 10, 2007 Being Holy, set apart from the others to be used for God's purpose. To start with, of course we need a clean heart, which is difficult to come by. Of course, this is entirely my personal views, and you may have differing views. Frankly, i feel that i have a long way to go before reaching that stage. I can say that i have been lying. lots. lying to myself, telling myself that everything's going on fine. but it doesn't seem that way. my CA results have already prominently showed that it's not fine. although, yes, i doubt failures other than in jap, my low grades for subjects such as maths and philosophy has already shown me something: i need to stop lying to myself. no. 1, if i continue lying to myself, it will definately affect my relationship with God. no. 2, if i continue lying to myself, chances are my grades will continue dropping. however this isn't my first time. during p4 and p5, i was actually kinda addicted to computer games. yeah. so my results actually dropped rapidly till very low. Then came P6, and i guess my introduction into megalife actually woke me up. during superlife i wasn't really interested in attending services, and would jump at any opportunity to skip church. although that has changed now, i'm glad to say. p6 was the most stressful year yet. what i had planned to mention but may have digressed from is that we must not take anything lightly. we must treasure everything and take it seriously. to be Holy, we need to have a clean heart. To have a clean heart, we must be able to place our complete trust in the Lord. Of course, it is human nature to err, but if we face up to our wrongdoings, we will be forgiven. We must remove all doubts, cast every single thing into the hands of the Lord, as you know that He WILL find a way, if that what He has willed. this holidays may be a busy one for everyone, but why don't we just put aside a few hours to really go into deep thought: do you want to be used for God's purpose, do you want to be eternally saved, do you want to be Holy? If so, we must be willing to face up to anything which we are having problems with, admit it, place it in the hands of the Lord, and *poof* it's as good as done. The journey to become Holy may not be easy, with obstacles and the Devil blocking our path. However, nothing is too great for the Lord to handle. If we persevere and continue seeking for the Lord, we will find Him. I wish all of you will have a great holiday, and enjoy Term 2. continue searching for Him. Jae weareradical at 7:39 AM
Tuesday, March 06, 2007 Tuesday. 6 March (: hello central three (: im back again. (: cause im bored and can't sleep. ah heck. well anyway i just popped by to say that jia you! to whoever posted the previous post. i don't know who. haha. i know cause im super whatever one so. but ANY-WAY-. yeah (: i agree with what you said (: well anyway since we should all share i'll lives with one another, i don't really HAVE a blog anymore so i don't have a space to post like about my emotions and stuff like that, so i decided i'll share it with you guys. (: yayy okay. ah heck whatever. =P but yeah. well everything's been okay. i guess (: yeah. except for yesterday. i had to go see a physician cause i fell down 2 steps and sprained my ankle. i tried going to a different censei once. ah , physician or censei, whatever you call it, doesn't it all mean the same thing? but anyway. well so yeah. my feet is apparently stuck this super annoying cast. or rather easier to put it, ankle guard. sigh. didn't think just 2 steps a fall can lead to something so depressing. its like inter house games on friday. plus im missing out on netball when i haven't been around for soo long and i miss it ): yeah. pray for me kay. got to go. bye! Alisa (: weareradical at 6:38 AM
Saturday, March 03, 2007 everyone has struggles. it would be abnormal for anyone not to have struggles. its unavoidable. but the God says that we should love one another. i believe that includes supporting each other during our individual times of struggle. we must care for each other. we must be interested in each other's lives. we must be ready to sacrifice our own comfort for each other. we must be willing to give up our time. we must be ready to lend a shoulder. we must be ready to lend a hand. no. correction. lend = must return. we must be ready to GIVE a shoulder. we must be ready to GIVE a hand. give = no need for reciprocation. all this we must do for each other. these are all part and parcel of being a friend. if you find yourself unable to do these for someone, it shows that that someone is of little importance to you. merely a close aqquaintance. but as a cell, we cannot remain that way. we must all be 100% supportive of each other. we must be willing to part with our money, our time, our own personal preference. where there is sacrifice, there will be commitment. where your gold lies, so will your heart. lets be a cell where everyone is supported. remember the analogy of the sticks? mathematically speaking, did you know that if it took "x" amount of force to break one stick, it would take more than 2x amount of force to break two sticks which are together? imagine the strength of 3 sticks, or 4 sticks. or 10 sticks. one horse can pull one cart of fruit. two horses together can pull more than 2 carts of fruit. give it a shot. give each other a chance to be that strength. take of the facade you put on everyday. remove your crowns of success and let us see the scars on your head. no mocking. no gossiping. no putting down another for his/her problems. no man is an island because we are a cell. central3 weareradical at 6:29 PM