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Monday, April 30, 2007 Hello everyone. :D:D Nobody updated any pics from the Sentosa outing, so here are some. :D Kindly obtained from Nicole. Have fun looking! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Please be understanding.Ah well and anyway Saturday's cell was pretty fun I guess. So much for Study Cell. I didnt get a speck of study, only to learn about TOA CAH SOH from Nicole and Daryl. I think what I really picked up was stuff about the Bishan Gay. Oh well. :/ HEATHER!:) weareradical at 11:18 PM
Friday, April 13, 2007 Friday. 13 April 2007. hello again (: its alisa again. haha. woah this is really super random luh! >.<>.< aGRRRRRRRR. its seriously annoying. and im trying to "find relief". haha.:D well, better than my friend atleast (: poor her. she got like 83 bites on one leg. ): oh well. i read this off my close friend's blog (: and it really inspired me (: so i decided to get ITCHING RELIEF and meanwhile share this here too :D HAHA (: so well, we live for God everday. we read in our Bibles about how great God is. we sing worship songs about GOd's greatness. we speak about God's awesomeness and His majesty. (: but then, what happens when we feel like we're so alone in this world, with nothing to hold? what happens when we feel like everything's all so wrong? what happens when we feel like as if everything is falling down on us,and we just can't go on anymore? what happens when we feel like we're being pounded with challenge after challenge, loads of homework that causes us to feel super duper stressed, and we feel like there's no way out anymore? what happens when we face a problem that seems so big, and we try to find a shoulder to lean on, but it feels like we won't ever and we really just can't? what happens what friendships and relationship go wrong, and we feel so upset over it? where is God in all of such things in life? as such happens real often in life. well, there's a good God, but there's also a bad bad BAD. DEVIL. when there's good, there's bad. when's there's happy, there's sad. and when there's ups, there's downs. when there's comfort, there's still that tint of sadness and depression. we know that He'll always be there for us (: you know, God won't just leave us alone to suffer, and watch us going through every problem from Heaven above, "just like that". He wont sit there, relaxed, and leave us alone to suffer. NO. He will NEVER. if He actually did, can you imagine what it'll be like? we'll all be living for a God who we say is awesome, who we say is majestic, but when we suffer He's never really there. oh gosh, that'll just be so so so wrong. and if it REALLY was that way (which will NEVER be, in reality, but just an imagination), don't you agree, that no one will believe and confide in HIm? (: God's got a purpose when we suffer. He hurts when we're hurt. He's happy when we're happy. and when we feel like we've got nothing to hold, we can just hold on to Him alone (: and that's the beauty of living for HIm overall (: amen? (: so well i thought about it. sometimes when we face troubles, we don't really think about how much God loves us, and we don't really learn to take hold of it, and we don't really think about the fact that God won't just let us suffer alone, that He's with us through it all. sometimes we just keep dreading and dreading over a problem, and just keep holding on to our emotions of feeling down, upset, sad, depressed, and what came way. when we're down, God wants to come and comfort us. to let us know He'll be there when no one else really is. but if we keep holding on to such emotions, its just as good as saying, our hearts are so hardened, and if our hearts are so hardened, there's no space for God to come in. so why not we just learn to put aside our emotions, and let God in? i mean emotinos and emotions, and some people, just like me, are really really very emotional.we get happy easily, but there's times where we get so depressed easily too.and thats something that cannot be changed, can it really? or even if it could, it wont be easy. but what can be changed is the fact that we can learn to hold onto God and not onto our emotions. because God loves us and His love is indescribable, higher than the Heavens, deeper than the seas. and He truely satisfies. say say say. well, then why don't we let God in and take control..? well. i think its because we lack the fear of God. we lack just simply respecting God, and knowing God to be awesome, and a good God, one that's never changing, always there for us. and can you imagine? i mean, o my GOSH. its just the fear of God we lack, and all this mess in emotions come about when we face problems in life. and the worst part of it all is, no one except US ourselves get ourselves into such emotional mess, just cause we don't let go and let God, and that only happens because we lack the fear of God. its like just falling down two small steps, can cause an ankle sprain, and that, for me, took extremely long to heal. and why did i fall? cause i was talking to my friend, and laughing like crazy, and not careful. and just like that, i sprained my ankle and i couldn't go to netball (when i was still a netballer) for like at least a mth or 2. i mean, its seriously not worth it. i should have just been more careful, watched my steps, and it'll be okay. we should just fear God, and let go and let God, and it'll all be okay, it'll all be alright. once said before, and said again, that let us not fear anything but God HImself. (: ah well. yeah. i think its something to ponder deeply over too. haha. AGRRRR. sorry kay :D im being super whatever now luh. ponder deeply over this and that and this and that. GRRR! haha. but thats not annoying its just really i don't know. i cant imagine that i have found many things to think about real deeply, thats all. haha.:D okay. i think i'd better catch some good sleep. cause the whole time at camp, i didn't get a nice bed to sleep on. i only got a tent to sleep on, with no sleeping bag, or mat, or anything. cause the pack list never said bring a sleeping bag. and my throat feels like its gonna get a sore throat soon. urghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. okay. HI! BYE. HI!BYE.HI!BYE.HI!BYE. urghhaalisaisssssuperrandommmnowwwandicantttfindaaawayyytooostoppppittttttttt stupid luh. bye (: have a nice night. (: weareradical at 8:37 AM
Thursday, April 12, 2007 Thursday. 12 April 2007. hello centralthree (: haha. long time no post aye =P tssst. haha. anyway nice post Jae (:! haha. hope y'all are having a great and awesome week. im like study-breaking now (whatever you call it). so well my week's been relatively tiring but yet fun. super slack this week man. all the sec threes in my school have one week of no lessons at all. YAYY!!! haha. okay kidding :D oh well you know why? cause we all had OBS and i just got back like at 3 today. woah. OBS super tiring especially yesterday. we had to kayak for 7 hours and the total distance was 20km. super tiring. plus we still had to cook our own dinner and pitch our tents before the night came. woah. it was really very tiring. but yet fun (: i just think OBS is a really good experience. should at least go once :D haha. woah i feel like moving around in a boat now! URGH. what the heck mann. ): oh well. so today was like the last day of OBS. quite slack today =P just loads of admin and clearing up and last words from instructors to teams. but well (this applied to all the watches. watches are what we usually "groups" in OBS. haha. cool huh?) my instructor told us this story nearing the end of the camp. and this is how it goes! (: but i promise you its not one of those lame stories or one of those "this is a story that never ends...this is a story that never ends.." PROMISE! haha okay sorry im being super random. AIYA! heck ah. :D so anyway this is how the story goes. one day, a daughter felt really lost in her life. she went up to her mum, and said "mum, i feel really lost in my life; what should i do now?" and mum says? "come over, dear." so at this point of time, the mum brought her dear own daughter over into the kitchen. she was cooking food. and meanwhile, she told her daughter this story. this story was meant to be something for the daughter to think about, in the hope that as she pondered deeply over it, she'd find an answer to her qurries. seems kinda weird doesn't it :D how does cooking, and.. feeling lost in life even RELATE right :D but you'll see. its really really cool (: so anyway the mum was boiling a pot of water. and in it, she put a carrot, some coffee powder and an egg. and mixed everything together. so imagine a pot of boiling water turning brown because of the coffee, with a carrot and egg inside. *ewwwwww* haha that was like my first though and reaction. tsssssst. haha. ANYWAY! so well i kinda forgot if the mum said anything else after this. but this is the intepretion. (: when we put coffee into boiling water, it becomes dissolved coffee. when we put a carrot into boiling water, it turns from hard to soft. when we put an egg into a pot of boiling water, it becomes a hard boiled egg, hard on both the inside and on the outside. the boiling water represents every challenge we go through in life. when we put carrot into boiling water it turns soft. different people are created differently, and have different preferences and personalities. some of us, are like carrots. when we are faced with the challenges in our lives, just like when a carrot is placed into boiling water, some of us will give up, stop pressing on, and break down after a certain point of time. and that way, we won't really get anyway in life, will we? not as far as others can get to, i guess. i feel that way. i have to admit, i'm that sort of person if a challenge just turns out to be hard and it feels like i can't go on anymore, and it feels like im the only one in it all. but we've got Christ amen? (: i forgot how coffee is intepreted. ): ): sorry ): ): oh well. this is how egg is intepreted. some of us, are like an egg. after puting the egg into boiling water, it becomes a hard boiled egg. hard, from the inside out. some people, when faced with challenges, with just pressing on and pression on until the end no matter what. sometimes they feel like giving up, but then they'll pick up, and never give up, and give pressing on once again. (: before such challenges, we are hard on the outside, but definitely, not as hard when we refer ourselves to our character. after going through such characters, we are hard on the outside, and are now harder when refered to our inner character as well. we don't give up. we reach for the end and keep pushing on. (: so which are you, excluding the coffee? carrot, or egg? do you press on and press on in times of challenges, or do you just let go and give up? guess thats something that takes quite some time to ponder over aye? (: anyway back to homework i go ): and i feel like im moving in a kayak all over the place and its seriously, ANNOYING! URGH! haha. cya (: have a great week (till saturday, that is). Alisa. (: weareradical at 2:07 AM
Wednesday, April 11, 2007 if you were asked to shout in public "I am a Christian", would you? Well yeah rarely would we be asked to do so. However, think: If one day you are requested to publicly announce to EVERYONE in the area, would you? Or would you find some way to squirm out of doing such a thing. Okay, if you are with a group of Christian friends, you just may. However, if a friend of different religion ask you to publicly declare your religion in an area thronged with strangers, i doubt many would. So, do you live for the world, or do you live for Jesus? Everday when you wake up (for students), what is the first thing you think of? Is it, "oh crap! school AGAIN", or do you think "Just how can I spread the gospel today, and save my brothers and sisters?". Well, for me, it would be the first option. Yes, people who do not publicly declare their faith or are not wholeheartedly into saving more people may not necessarily be of weak faith. Yes, it may be that their other actions show their faith. However, do we live for the "face" of ourselves, or for the "face" of Christ? I think we all still are maturing in our faith, and hopefully, we one day may be willing to be a martyr, for the Lord. While we still are at different levels of maturity in Christ, why don't we just ponder: who do i want to be when i grow up? A person living for the world, or a person living for Christ? That is a question, which in my opinion, only you can answer for yourself. Jae weareradical at 5:13 AM