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Tuesday, May 29, 2007 ![]() God loves you! :D I dont know what to post! Random stuff? My forte, I guess. Random listing- 1) I wanna name my future daughter Madison. 2) Or Ashley. 3) Troy and Gabriella from HSM are together! 4) The coffee they served at the Israel seminar was good. 5) My maths tuition teacher hasnt been exposed to humour, God bless the man. 6) Im going overseas! :D Uhuh not bad eh? Random. I dont know about you, but I think this June holidays, June Holidays, June Holidays, June Holidays!!!! God bless the person who came up with June Hols, wherever he may be. Anyway, I think this June Holidays is gonna be a bom-pi-pee time to catch up with God. Not to mention, OTC. Yes, I see the guilt in all your eyes as you read this. No matter, this post is guilt ridden too. I have a dream. Since forever, Ive always wanted to fly! Even if it was for a little while, I want the taste of flying. And I mean genuine flying, not with wings, or on a plane (yuck!), or with anything but God! I wanna spread my arms, jump off a cliff and fly into another dimension. Speaking of dimensions, If I could ever choose how I wanna die, I wanna get sucked into a black hole. Im serious. I think its the greatest mystery on earth! A dead star? It can suck you in, butr its 2d? 2d and 3d! Its a COMBINATION OF DIMENSIONS! ITS MAGIC! Lick me up, blackie. My dad says maybe its a wormhole. Whats that?! Wormhole. You see, the time and space continuem is bent in space because of the gravity of different heavenly bodies spewn over the place. Thus, theres a time bend. A wormhole is a theory from scientists that there are portals called wormholes in space which zap you forward, or backward for theat matter, in a straight line. And because you save so much time without following the curve, you could be hurled into millions of years in to teh future, or past! WOW. Thats a risk I would take. MSN with Jae:
{'jae} send your holy wave says: oh wow Coming from the lips of an Angel says: {'jae} send your holy wave says: {'jae} send your holy wave says: Coming from the lips of an Angel says: {'jae} send your holy wave says: {'jae} send your holy wave says: Coming from the lips of an Angel says: {'jae} send your holy wave says: {'jae} send your holy wave says: {'jae} send your holy wave says: {'jae} send your holy wave says: {'jae} send your holy wave says: {'jae} send your holy wave says: {'jae} send your holy wave says: {'jae} send your holy wave says: {'jae} send your holy wave says: {'jae} send your holy wave says: {'jae} send your holy wave says: {'jae} send your holy wave says: Random. Anyway I wont be here for the next two sats, so Tiziana will do games this week, and Jae next week? Set. :D Goodbye! Happy holidays! (Waves in enthusiasm) HEATHER:Dweareradical at 3:18 AM
Sunday, May 27, 2007 hello central three. weren't we all so blessed by the seminar? I WAS. and im filled with new passion for the word of god and his work. anyway, i need to tell something. for the next couple of weeks, i will not be attending service on saturdays. before you start judging me, let me explain. haha.. well, the reason im missing megalife service is my sailing training. as some of you might know, im the captain of my team and those of you that are cca leaders, you would know what that entails. leadership, discipline, motivation and commitment. so basically, what is happening is that i realise, i need to give my team my time for this next month. i need to give my time into preparing myself for my crucial role this coming interschools. am i losing my commitment for the local church? NO WAY! its just that this is a season that i need to go through with my calling as a leader in my sailing team. that is no less that that of a cell leader. am i letting the world get to me? NO WAY! of course i want to win the interschools. its normal. but it is by no means tearing me away from God. what is it that God looks at? am i not trusting God with my sailing? am i not surrendering it to him? no. i know that in my heart. well, actually, i really just want to tell you guys that you know what? schoool is important. cca is important. projects and tests are important! do all these things to the best of your ability! BUT! remember, that you must be right with God about it. if you're studying so much you dont do your quiet time, you know you're going down the wrong road. if you seem to have something on every saturday and you ALWAYS cant come for cell or service, you know you're going down the wrong road. if winning is so important that you would probably breakdown if you lose, you know you're going down the wrong road. learn these things while you're in secondary school. because for sure, once you come to jc/tertiary education, the pressures of the world would weigh down on you like a oversized chiwawa(where did that come from). the higher you go in your education, the MORE you'll be thinking about your future. its true. frankly, this is one of the areas im struggling with right now. my future, i cant seem to surrender it. but im learning. you must learn too. if you're able to learn to sacrfice small things now, the big things would be easier. learn to give up what you have to. but of course, maintain that balance.. its all about the balance.. ming weareradical at 10:22 AM
Sunday, 27 May 07' take your mind off whatever's been on your mind and relax and think. put yourself in the shoes of a child. how would you feel if everything you had was taken away from you. i think as for me, what really left me thinking was all those stories, and that one of God's promises is that He'll never leave us or forsake us. i mean if i was in that place, just like the pastor shared, everything taken away from me as a child, i dont know how i'll react to it, perharps, i might not even wanna live life anymore? i dont know. yet whats more shocking is. these people who've been through all these things. they still trust in God. they don't ever say "GOD I HATE YOU FOR DOING ALL THIS TO ME AND I DONT WANNA BELIEVE IN YOU EVER EVER AGAIN." they still forgive and move on. so what just keeps them believing in God? what gives them such pesevererance? how is it that they're so sure that God's always there for them? curiosity takes the mind a thousand miles. hiatus. alisa; weareradical at 6:19 AM
its sometimes difficult for us to understand what God is going with all this war and fighting and violence and pain. its difficult for us to see that truly, this IS God's tsunami.we must all begin to see that sometimes, it takes destruction for salvation to happen. we must remember that Jesus' body was DESTROYED before he could become our saviour.we must be part of this destruction. we must be part of tearing down the strongholds and bondages of the devil. it WILL involve people being hurt and broken, but it has to happen. for salvation, out past, our sin, our iniquity MUST be DESTROYED. we as christians must catch the wave that God himself started. it is our calling. we must be bold in facing this huge tsunami that looks like it would crush us. remember. for God to use us, we must first be broken. we have to be bold and point our surf boards to the west and take the gospel to the ENDS OF THE EARTH. everyone deserves a chance to hear the word of God. everyone must be saved. it is not God's will that ANY should perish in hell for eternity. we must take up our cross. our cross represents what we have to do. we may have our simons, that help us along, but ultimately, we have to be the one that carries it. God's will be done. Amen Labels: God's tsunami weareradical at 2:56 AM
Saturday, May 26, 2007 hey. i hope that ya'll found the seminar good. for me, it was better than expected, but frankly, i didn't expect much... ><. yeah so i hope that the Lord has touched your life in many ways throughout the short span of 2 days. anyway. it's the holidays. yeah i know that for most of us the holidays are still really hectic, with schedules really tight and all. but yeah, hopefully we have a break from classroom studying. facing the big whiteboard every MT lesson with some foreign language scribbled on the board is really quite boring xD. DHS ppl don't take offence.. i know you all are extremely cheena ppl... erm okay. firstly... all the best to the sec 4s who are taking their O-levels papers... once its over, its over! just think of the end, like the promised land, filled with milk and honey... once your O levels are over.. the rest of your time will be just stoning around xD. and well, good luck to anyone whose inter-school season starts next term... then, i hope that you'll have been keeping to the prayer thing...
Challenge:5 minutes a day and before meals for those that have not.. now's a good time to start! yeah! guitar lessons! well yeah those who want to join can like msg me or sth... and ppl! please psot on the blog!!! plsplsplsplspls! lol. anyway. enjoy your holidays. jae.
weareradical at 8:45 AM
Tuesday, May 22, 2007 Tuesday. 22 May 07. hey mann. (: hope term 2's been wonderful for y'all. (: i got kinda tired of doing Bio. its like, you write the same thing over and over again, repeatedly, but in different forms. hmm. but Biology's quite fun actually :D so anyway, since i got tired, im popping by here (: ahh well. tomorrow is the last day of school, its like sports day come last day of school, so like we only have classes till.. what. lunch? haha. yeahh. im like running 4 X 100 tmr and i bet i'll screw up but well. i dont know; just got me thinking "running, running, running" who are we running for? in sports day, i'll be running for TKK, earnestly hoping they'll win the prize. i'll run along with 3 other people too, since its a relay. but in life, is it like a relay? do you get to pass the batton on to three others to finish YOUR race for you, or do you have to finish your race by yourself? and who do we run for? run for ourselves to glorify God, or perharps, run for the sake of running. running in thought of the prize alone? i dont know if this makes sense. actually i dont know if anything i think does, but well. hmmmmm. oh well. bet i'll screw up like crap big time tomorrow, but oh well. bye! (: Alisa. PS : uhhh. just in case, i thought i'd just say it. i dont have a phone right now, till at least two weeks later approx, so dont call or message.. yupp. cause i store all my numbers on my phone, so i like lost everyone's, so um do me a favour by giving my your numbers again! thank you sooo much yeahh :D Alisa (: weareradical at 7:19 AM
Saturday, May 19, 2007 hi guys. just a couple of things. 1. cell outing! we will be arranging for a date to have a cell outing. so please do try and make it for the date that we decide on later! nicole will be in charge of this outing so please give her your support by giving your replies when she asks. ok? ok! 2. RcS FLAG DAY! this will be happening on 2nd june(saturday) cmon, if your can make it please do give your support to RCS! 3. end times seminar. it will be held on this friday and saturday 25-26may. those that have not signed up, but want to sign up, please give me your names. and if you have friends that want to come, give me their names too! that'll be all for now.. weareradical at 6:58 PM
Tuesday, May 08, 2007 hey. guess what. it's week 8 of term 2 of the year 2007. this is the 19th week of the year. Everyone is tired. School, more school, and all school. Sometimes we are so busy with our work that we work into past midnight. In the morning, we wake up groggy, half-asleep and finding our way around the house. Arriving in school, we are somewhat awakened to the chatter of our classmates and the occasional shrieks around the school. Some sleep through assembly. Frankly, i don't see the importance of assembly. If during rainy days we can use to PA system to deliver announcements, sing the National Athem and recite the Pledge, i don't see why we can't do that on a normal day. We are tired. Many find no reason as to why they have to wake up in the morning just to face lessons at school. Moreover, lessons are not what many would enjoy. Haven't many big people not have had a proper education? Even the world's richest man, Bill Gates, didn't have an excellent education. Then, we must think: how many people get successful without having a proper education? The answer is only a small percentage. Hence, education is definately important. However, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. We must have good time management. Try not to mug all at one go, but do consistent work. When you mug, sometimes you won't remember everything which you are studying. We are physically tired. However, is our heart alive? Is our heart strong? Is our faith strong? Do we want the Lord? Our heart pumps 24/7, then why is it that some of us are not believing in God 24/7? If we can believe that we would die one day, why wouldn't some believe in God, why wouldn't some believe in something called Eternal Life? Why? It's because they are not willing to accept the truth. The truth that there is a God. That life is just not living and dying on Earth. That their purpose is not just to be successful in their few decades which they live. Their purpose here, is to complete a trial. An obstacle course, set by the Lord. Life is all about O and X. it's all about rights and wrongs. Its all about up and downs. That's what the world tells us! i admit that i have said that before. But you think about it. Life is NOT about rights and wrongs. it is NOT about ups and downs. it's about the ability to recover. the ability to accept whatever situation we are in, making the best out of it. In a robbery, it is NOT a down. we learn not to bring unneccesary expensive / stuff worth of value. We learn that life is not all that peaceful. There still are broken lives out there! There still are people who needs the power and love of our God in them! However, society rejects them. Society puts them aside! Everyone sees them as a hopeless case. No one even dares to approach these people, much less help them! Counsellors are there to help, but would they approach them? No. Few would. Many feel extremely comfortable with people who are like them. our whole society is classified. Disabled with disabled, able with able, nerd with nerd, norm with norm, at risk people with at risk people, and even people who have strayed are grouped together with people who have strayed. A stray cat can be found. It just takes alot of effort, just like it takes alot of effort to be able to bring someone into the road to eternal life. We need to be able to persevere. We must have determination. Courage. Sincerity in approaching them. Care. Concern. Love. Everyone deserves a second chance. That's why in some countries, they do not support capital punishment, for a majority of people in that country may believe that no human deserves to die in the hands of another human. God decides when we are judged, when we are born, etc. Not humans. They believe that God has the authority over the lives of humans, and not us. Normally, these are countries with an extremely high majority religion. For a multi-racial, multi-cultural, and multi-religion country like Singapore, capital punishment is support by the goverment and many others. So, are you willing to live for Him? Are you willing to go all out for Him? Are you willing to listen to Him and obey Him? Take your time to sort them out. Do not rush things. Let's strive to bring term 2 to a good end. Jae weareradical at 6:44 AM
Monday, May 07, 2007 ![]() Last week I was supposed to share on the Verse of the Week, but because of time constraints, I didn't get to. Sad lar, cos this verse was so in line with what Ming shared in cell on the 5th I almost wanted to squeal in incredulity (I bet God and coincidence teamed up to mess with my head). So anyway, here goes. Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him. James 1:12 Nice right? I've always been touched by this verse, cos this becomes a motto you live by. Whenever you get beaten down, you can always hold your head up high and know that no matter what happens to you, as long as we persevere, we'll receive eternal life. There are two trials that come our way:
Yup. Hope you guys have become enlightened, lol. See you guys (all of you, hopefully) this coming Saturday! (: yam. weareradical at 7:01 AM
Sunday, May 06, 2007 Sunday. 6 May 07. life is random. life is more than just making ourselves happy. life is more than succesing. life is more than getting the best job you can get for yourself. life is about living for God. life is, more than what this world defines what life is? life is meaningful, live every bit of it to the fullest till that very day we lie on that bed, and know that all this while, everyday of life, we've lived it to its fullest life itself has deep thought, deep meaning. life is more than just yourself. life is more than just family and friends. more than studies. more than anything in this world. life is about living for God. life is about being who we've been called to be. life is more than just your mere self, but also about being a blessing to others... wow. never knew, life was as such. in itself it all is a big question. alisa (: weareradical at 1:54 AM
Saturday, May 05, 2007 5 May 2007. hello centralthree (: good luck to those still having mid years (if there are still any). cause im having mine too so JIA YOU! let me tell you something funny. HAHA! this is damn funny :D HAHAHA cause like i didnt go megalife today. attended my family member's wedding (: WHICH WAS SOO FUN! i felt really entertained by my two cute cousins. HAHA. okay but anyway.. on the way home. my sis starting cracking some stupid big jokes in the car. and really retarded dumb ones too! HAHA. 1. we all sing the song "ke ren lai, ke ren lai, ba ba bu zai jia" since kindergarden. or rather, at some point of our lives, we will still get to know about it. so anyway right.. that song is so STUPID! dont you think. i tell you why kay. "ke ren lai, ke ren lai, ba ba bu zai jia" if you daddy not at home then bad people can get into your house. cause the ke ren can also be bad people what.. HAHA! 2. lets say in a exam, you get to the "zao ju" section. then you don't know how to do one question cause the word they give you damn chim then you not zai at all. okay then anyway its like. lets say they give you something like... "ning jing" then you dunno/ forgot what it means you can still zao ju! i teach you how. damn zaiiii one kay. just like that luh : "jing tian, lao shi jia wo liang ge zi, ning jing." and.. DONE! see! you composed a sentence. WOO! GO YOU! HAHAHAAAAAAAAA. if like the word reallly REALLY that chim then can do it this way : (example : the word is jing di lao zhen. ) " jing di lao zhen shi si ge zi." HAHA. super cool right? HAHA. there was this other one on the song "aud lang syne." really damn retarded. i tell you guys next week. i think i like ate too much of something that made me high. that mango jello crap. whatever it is. HAHA. bye (: weareradical at 9:02 AM
Friday, May 04, 2007 ![]() I received an e-mail a long time ago from my good friend Abraham (he's super hot-for-Christ, I warn you first!), and it has influenced me ever since. It's about the gospel of the Kingdom, and talks about the three stages of a Christian's life. At the end of this post, I hope you guys could find out where you all stand, and hopefully y'all will try to make it to the third (obviously). Man. It's like playing Pokemon on your gameboy. Without getting myopia. So anyway, here's the e-mail:
Hope you all benefited from it! And for those who have examinations, I just wanna say: Nothing can work by the flesh, but by the Spirit! Haha. (: yam. weareradical at 2:50 AM
Wednesday, May 02, 2007 hey. since i decided that i'm not able to revise for my chinese composition examination tomorrow as there is like practically nothing to revise, i decided to come and blog. anyway you may wonder. Why does God actually put you through all these tests? Does he want to see me fall? Does he want to see me in a pitiful state? Does he want me to be mocked? Frankly, i think that the answers for the first two questions are NO, while the last is YES. Why yes? Look at this: when people are mocked, they would actually find ways to retaliate. When they retaliate, they actually get stronger! then when they realise that retaliation is too boring, they may become good but stronger people! I'm sorry if you didn't get what i just said. Although yeah i know that many people would disagree. "You mean he actually wants us to retaliate and build hatred in ourseleves?" then let me tell you something, patience is a virtue (: i meant retaliate to mean as to how we treat our situation. how we understand our situation, and pick ourseleves up, learn from this lesson, be a stronger people, and you will realise that when the problem arises again, you can easily solve it. That's how vaccines work! They inject a weaker form of the virus into your body, let your body identify it as a virus, so that when the real virus strikes, your body would be able to identify it and destroy it before it does much harm. Hence, God wants us to go through all these problems which he knows of our ability, so that when a large problem of around the same context arises, you would be able to solve it with much more ease! Just look at how God works wonders through all these things! I don't know if you got me, because i don't think that it was well written. But, the main drift is that, whatever obstacles come in our way, stand our ground, remove the obstacle, don't get too conceited but continue to move on, preparing yourseleves for more and more obstacles to block your path through this journey of life. There's only 3 weeks + of the term left. Do make good use of it. Jae. weareradical at 7:15 AM
Tuesday, May 01, 2007 hey ya'll! let's make this blog a place where we can share whatever is on our minds ya! let us not leave discussing our problems to saturday during cell or a one on one telephone conversation with your friend but an online portal where the whole cell can help you with your problem, pray for you and find ways to resolve it. this should also be a place where you can post random stuff if you want to, or just discuss stuff which are of interest to you! yup! weareradical at 5:08 AM