![]() Central Three
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Thursday, June 21, 2007 hey. i hope that you ppl have been doing great. because holidays are ending. so yeah! so make the best of your time (: i believe that the main reason that a number of us still have multiple strongholds to overcome. a stronghold is any argument that disagrees with the Knowledge of God. in fact, many of us do not actually realise what are strongholds are, until serious matters arise from these problems. As a youth, i think our main strongholds are overcoming ongoing feelings of guilt and the insecurity of feeling unloved, together with overcoming addiction. please think about the strongholds in your life, and pray about them. though the world may leave you, the love and power of the Lord never will. His power reigns sovereign. what you earnestly seek, you will find. don't ever give up. Strive. hope to see ya'll soon jae. weareradical at 6:48 AM
Thursday, June 14, 2007 Friday, 15 June 07 and im leaving for china today. im actually packing now, well not REALLY packing luh. just packing and slacking and talking to people on msn at the same time cause i really hate packing cause i suck at it cause i just do! ): haha. anyway. yupp. so if you need anything, don't message my phone cause the messages will bounce back. just tag my blog (: (: yeahh my blog SUCKS its really dead. but i love my skin. a friend made it for me (: so cute luh! haha. okay anyway. random posting: 1. MY SLIPPERS BROKE TODAY! and you know why im sad. CAUSE THEY'RE PINK AND THEY LASTED ME TWO YEARS! ): ): urghhh OMG! i wanted a PHOTO but i didn't manage to get one! haha. and it wasn't THAT hilarious cause it broke when i was buying food during breakfast with my family at the hawker centre. aGRR i nearly dropped the whole plate of carrot cake. HAHA that means now you all know what i had for breakfast today. so im like going BACK AGAIN to QUEENSWAY to buy a new pair of slippers so that i can bring it to China. i mean you will need slippers when you travel right :D 2. i think johnny deep is cool man! (: i like his FIZZY hair in pirates. oh and he was acting as willy wonka in charlie and the chocolate factory! HAHA. that was funny. 3. i think angels are so cool. so graceful. so sweet. so wonderful. so of our admiration. like people always have good impressions of angels, or most of the time do.. AHHH! im like obssesed with angels. 've been listening to zhuan shu tian shi by TANK many many times ever since. the only time i DIDN'T is now when im listening to yin wei ai by 5566 :D and like my msn pic is an angel too! angels are so WOW.... they get my admiration. wonder if they get yours? HAHA. aiya im obssesed with angels! damnn luh. aiya you want you can read my whole blog entry about angels. gahhh i love angels. SORRY i just really love angels? HAHA (: 4. currently listening to : yin wei ai by 5566. actually, 5566 quite cool one leh! (: thats a SUPER SUPER DRASTICALLY OLD SONG but actually.. i think 5566 handsome luh, not quite handsome, OKAY luh but. AIYA i think they got that "act cool" whoo (: 5. ted left for china a DAY before me! and he's coming back a DAY after me. this is funny funny funny. though we're not going to the same part of China, but well. (: bye people (:! happy megalife service and cell this saturday, and to those going for the planetshakers concert, IM JEALOUS MAN! JEALOUS JEALOUS JEALOUS! NAH IM KIDDING!!! im really kidding. im really kidding. just kidding! anyway have fun at the planetshakers concert, tell me all about it man! (: ahh, wish i could go today, but im leaving today RIGHT when it starts. like flying off from Singapore RIGHT when the concert starts. never mind. at least i might have a chance to go to Christina Aguilera's. MIGHT but i doubt i will. bye people! alisa. weareradical at 7:57 PM
Hey! The photos are already sent. Go take a look! :) . (Jaes right) . . . Heather! weareradical at 7:26 AM
Wednesday, June 13, 2007 hi guys. please refrain from posting: Personal address(es) and any other content which may damage one's reputation, emotional health or threaten their safety. Or your own for that matter. thank you. Jae weareradical at 10:26 PM
HI guys im havin a party tis Sun.Its held at my house in the afternoon.The main purpose is to pray for my non christian friends hu r there. So any1 can come?i need at lease 3 from our cell. for more details which you need to contact samuel for, please refer to the cell list for his number and other details. if you do not have it, please request it from someone in our cell. weareradical at 10:01 PM
CENTRAL THREE OUTING TO THE BOTANIC GARDENS Must really thank Nicole, Daryl and Ted for arranging this whole thing. (: We all met up at Newton then took a bus and walked up a hill to BG. We came to this lake, and the first thing we saw were black swans! two! (the second thing we saw was shit all over the grass) Such pretty swans too. SO we immediately assumed we were at swan lake, of course, when we were really at eco lake. Then we laid out the mats and stuff and the food on the nice, green, grass. But then it started to drizzle! So we hurriedly moved everything inside a little hut on a little hill and laid everything out on the floor. We manage to successfully chase away these three strangers away too. hah. Then we played cherades! which was so fun! :D haha we had some people come up with some pretty cute actions. After that we played the slipper game, which is quite hard to spell out. But anyways, after that we did simon says! Tiziana was simon 1, and shirleen was simon 2. Eventually it boiled down to me and nicole, so they made us do some pretty silly stuff like bending down to pick up a bottle while hopping on one leg with our eyes to the sky. Then they made us hop down the little hill to throw the bottles! super funny. THen we took pictures, lots of nice pictures. :D Shall send you all asap. yay, Central outing was fun! Remember to thank nicole, daryl and ted! p.s: sorry to tiziana we didnt find the wings. ): CELL PHOTOS!! Us smiling! ![]() Girls act cute, boys act cool.. ![]() "Who goes there???" Emo kids strike back! ![]() "mwoof fwoofpwo pwo." Pufferfishes. ![]() Borat! Thumbs up! Heather(: weareradical at 6:26 PM
Tuesday, June 12, 2007 IS JOHNNY DEPP HOT OR WHAT??? And I saw his very own tile in front of the Chinese Theatre in HOLLYWOOD! Am I high or what? (: HELLO!:D Okay the day I came back I went on msn and Ted went "Heather! youre back! And just in time cos we're having a cell outing on Wed!" Okay. Botanic Gardens! I havent been there, yknow. What kind of wierd Singaporean Kid am I, you ask yourselves. Who knows? Its 12:46am. I had a 4 hour sleep in the afternoon, hence the super awake me now. Day before I slpt from 6pm to 7am the next morning>! Im not dreamnin, it really is the holidays. Anyway would you all please post your names when you post? Because it kinda gets me thinking who it might be who posted, and thats too much, oh, too much for this petite thinking machine of mine. We love central three dont we? YAY!!! <3,heather! Hee hee heee. weareradical at 9:43 AM
Monday, June 11, 2007 update about tmr's outing! ;D we're meeting at 2pm at newton mrt 7-eleven if you know you're going to be late give us a ring okay! okay. who's bringing what: Jae & Zachery-- A tray of sandwiches each Alisa, Shirleen, Tiziana & Samuel-- A tray of sidedishes each Sherwyn & Shawn-- Bottled Drinks & Water & Ice(optional) Ted-- chips, Prizes, stuff for games etc. Daryl-- all the Stuff for treasure hunt etc. Me-- food, utensils, plates.., mats, garbage bags, stuff for games i'm not sure what heather has to bring though. ANYWAY! bring: a change of clothes if you want, just in case you get all sweaty or sth camera (if you want to) frisbee (if you have) umbrella (in case it rains. PRAY hard it doesnt!) &&& refer to the last post. okay, see you tmr! -nicole weareradical at 7:16 PM
Sunday, June 10, 2007 yo folks! nicole here! okay we'll be having cell outing THIS WED 13th JUNE @ botanic gardens! (around 2-6 plus) TRY TO MAKE IT OKAY? so far most of you can make it & i know its really last minute but if more people come it'd be fun-ner! (: ted will be calling or smsing you guys about the things to bring etc. can you guys volunteer to bring food and such? MUST okay say muffins, fishballs, sandwiches, fruits? or garbage bags to clear up, picnic mats, frisbees, ice box etc. please let me know what you can bring best by today (MONDAY) alright! we might be meeting at newton mrt station around 2, will keep you all posted. attire: shirt, shorts/cargos. just no skirts/jeans, unless you want to melt under the sun ;D (not that i mind but ;p) anything just sms/call me or ted (he's doing attendance) it will be fun! just make sure YOU (yes you) turn up! seeyou! and God Bless! (: love, nicole weareradical at 7:07 PM
Friday, June 01, 2007 Friday, 1 June 07 how wide is your love that you would stretch your arms and go around the world and why, for me, would a Saviour's cry be heard? i dont know why you went where i was meant to go i dont know why you love me so those were my nails that was my crown that pierced your hands and your brow those were my thorns those were my scorns those were my tears that fell down and just as you said it would be you did it all for me after you counted the cost you took my shame, my blame on my cross how deep is your grace that you could see my need and chose to take my place and then, for me, these words i'd hear you say " Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. i will go, because i love them so" those were my nails that was my crown that pierced your hands and your brow those were my thorns and my scorns those were my tears that fell down and just as you said it would be you did it all for me after you counted the cost you took my shame my blame on my cross (taken from Abby's blog) alisa weareradical at 3:01 AM