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Tuesday, July 31, 2007 Announcements ! Reminder to Shirleen and Alisa, please get back to me the names who are able to come for F.O.P by tmr. Note to central three : We will be meeting M1 cell (zhengxin's cell) on friday, 6pm at kallang mrt and heading to indoor stadium together. We will also be having dinner as a cell before that so for those who are coming please inform me the time you can meet to have dinner with the cell. After 4.30 onwards. Thank you ! Other than that, i hope all of you people have a blessed week ahead and continue on studying for your year ends ! However do not forget to READ THE BIBLE and PRAY (: God bless ! shawn weareradical at 7:14 AM
Monday, July 30, 2007 evangalism. c'mon guys, let's save one MORE for Christ! there's vision 500 for megalife, vision 30 & 3 for our cell. nubian gents have helped bring us steps closer to our vision, together with megalife's vision. Frankly, i think that the method as to how you evangalise differs from person to person. Sometimes if you go up to someone and say "hey, God loves you!" you may get a slap in the face, or you may get a warm smile back from the person, if that person's a nice guy/girl. i don't know whether i'm doing it right. normally, i would call people up and first like chat nonsensical stuff with them before finally inviting them. and normally, they'd respond with "i'm sorry, i've something on" or "sorry, my parents don't allow me to go". i think that we've met with many of such responses..? However, despite the fact that the method of approaching the person may differ, there's something which should never change. Sincerity & determination. if you go and approach them like some super sian person, i doubt that they'd feel secure that it'd be a great time at whatever you're inviting them to. however, if you go up to them, go with a sincere & honest heart. approach them with confidence, approach them with humility. however, we must take the first step. to decide and stick with the decision to evangalise to a certain someone. stay determined to that resolution & never give up! in everything we do, there will always be repercussions. be it a good deed, or a bad deed. do you know of a famous star who hasn't been criticised? have you seen a book with an award which no one has pointed out any problems, cliches, etc in? looking on the other side, when you do a good deed, don't you just feel rewarded when you see the poor getting proper medical treatment? don't you feel great when you donate blood, knowing that you may have just helped saved a life? however, are we afraid of repercussions. frankly, sometimes i am. however, i feel that we should just do what we need to do without fearing of the consequences. there's always a positive and negative side to everything, but i feel that we humans sometimes just like to think too much to the negative side. let's strive fearlessly. strive to the end. strive for what's right. strive for what's needed. strive for something better. i wish you all all the best for week 6, and see ya'll on friday for F.O.P. jae weareradical at 4:41 AM
Sunday, July 29, 2007 life, you cant escape from its grip of many things that you HATE. yes i mean HATE, H-A-T-E. sadness,disappointments,unfairness,lack of time etc.. the list goes on and on, dont tell me you like them. If you do, you're weird. EVERYDAY we face these kinda feelings or rather, Life's Reality somehow or another. We just do, even if its the BEST day of our life we still do but not as much as another day. But WAIT A MINUTUE, are we just gonna sit down and do nothing about it ? are we gonna be a dartboard and have life throw piercing darts in our life and hurt us deeply everytime and have holes in our heart that cannot be repaired by humans ? --------ok before i continue, disclaimer ! this post is gonna be a messy post perhaps ? but please understand cause my eyes are closing anytime but i just felt i should post this, might any of you feel this way one way or another.--------- i believe as humans, we do think alot. and somehow or another, its always at night, or mostly at night ? when our fatigue kicks in and we become vulnerable to our feelings, sensitive to it, sometimes VERY sensitive to it. well thats how im feeling now, but instead of letting my feelings and emotions and thoughts run where the devil wants it to go i shall do something more constructive and write what i feel here. back to life's grip on us, life can throw anything at us. best friends failing us, disppointments from someone you never thought will disappoint you. unforeseen circumstances, emo feelings and thoughts just when you ARE ALREADY AT YOUR LOWEST. yes sounds familiar ? BUT WAIT A MINUTE, again.. WHAT CAN YOU DO ABOUT IT ? YOU CANT ESCAPE LIFE'S GRIP ON YOU CAUSE ITS REALITY. HOWEVER WHAT MATTERS IS YOUR REACTION TO YOUR SITUATION. still dont understand ? when you feel emo about anything, are you gonna drown yourself in your sorrow and have a night that sucks and almost flooding your room with tears, listening to emo songs and making yourself feel worse ? ( thats self-pity btw) WELL as much as i can, i wont do that from now on. i'll face the situation head on, with GOD by my side and not run away from it. i'll find the cause, the root, pull it out and burn it. so that it'll never be able to grow in my life again. perhaps there are alot of new seeds that may land on my life but every root i pull out is another less. With God, the seeds and roots will know. OH MY its HOLY GROUND we're growing on, we cant have the nutrients we need here. LETS GOT OUT OF THIS HOLY GROUND ! Yes, if you havent already figured, PRAY. Trust me, it works wonders. God may not give you an answer now but He will, IF He thinks He should. After all, what right do we have to ask something out of Him when He has already given His life FOR US. so fellow mates of central three/anyone else dont drown yourself in your sorrows already, theres something else better to do. Invest your time in someone's life, make an impact on this temporary earth, chat up with a non-believer, READ THE BIBLE and PRAY !! *opps did i hit the spot ? been spending too much time thinking about life or putting your time in your sadness and worries that could be used to READ THE BIBLE and PRAY. God has a sense of humour too, but if you dont talk to Him regularly can you even hear what He's saying to you to hear His jokes that may seem funny to you and you only ? * God loves YOU. YOU're special in his sight, He wants to hold you tight. He'll never let you go, because HE LOVES YOU SO (: * shawn weareradical at 7:39 AM
Friday, July 27, 2007 people often say: chivalry is dead. i want to say that its not. you know how often girls/women say chivalry is dead, there are no gentlemen in singapore, no guys know how to treat girls properly anymore? well i say thats ridiculous. there is a huge flaw in their argument. the flaw is that girls/women themselves do not know how to be recieve acts of chivalry. well, this of course is a very coarse generalization and i mean no offence to girls at all. this is just like an argument to whoever says that chivalry is dead, and perhaps a different point of view for everyone. quite often, i'd be on the train, sitting happily on my long journey to town. the train is not packed, but like virtually all the seats are taken. so im just happy, looking out the window, thinking of a new way of greeting my friend when i see him/her/them or thinking about whatever la. then the next stop comes and a women, not elderly, not very young, and not necessarily very pretty, comes through the door. she looks around, and there are no seats. so she decides to just hold on to the pole. she is not injured pregnant or old, but i decide to offer my seat to her. i stand up, ask her to go ahead and take the seat, but she is like shy or something and doesnt want to. so the both of us are left standing there like idiots. obviously i wont go back and sit down. it was not like she wasnt even intending to sit down because obviously, she did because she was looking around for a seat. so there. act of chivalry, but what was lacking was the gracious acceptance of the act. secondly, and more irritating and pissingly, is when girls like demand chivalry. that is totally out of line. fortunately not many girl/women are like that. girls of central 3. please dont ever demand chivalry from guys. thats not ladylike at all. and when someon opens the door for you, just get your bumboclaude through the door and say thank you. when he offers to carry stuff for you, just let him carry the thing. he wont think that you're lazy, he wont feel tired (even if he does, he wont say it and if he actually is tired, what makes you think you wont be.) so just let him get sweaty and you just perhaps can offer to carry it so that he can say "no its ok its ok". when he offers to walk you home, dont worry, it doesnt mean that he likes you. and take the seat when he offers you. dont ask for it, unless you really damn tired. girls must think this way: i dont deserve it, but i can recieve it ( just like salvation by the way) guys of central 3. please be gentlemanly. go find out the things you can do. these are the ways of the knights and they are good practises. get the door, offer to help, but DONT insist and be forceful about. and if so happen, a girl gets the door for you, it doesnt make you less of a man to walk through it and say thank you. especially in the case of an elevator! just get out first. it doesnt matter seriously. offer your seat to any female whether or not they "need" it. the thing is, you have to offer. if she insists on standing/carrying her stuff/not wanting you to walk her home, its ok. just let her be. thats being gentlemanly too. but try to offer in a way that she cant say no. haha. be it in your actions or mannerisms. (again, go find out how you can do this.) oh yeah. one important thing is that dont worry about how your other guy friends look at you when you treat the ladies well. be confident when you do it but not like arrogant. and let them joke about you. its ok. they will eventually learn from you. ive seen it happen for me haha. and yes! you can and should be gentlemanly towards guys too. this doesnt make you gay. duh. just be brave and do it. you'll get used to it. guys must think this way: all girls deserve our good treatment from guys. be they ladylike or not, pretty or not, your girlfriend/crush or not. at the end of this, i just hope that we will all become more gracious and have a deeper understanding of this simple yet complicated part of being a civilised society. its a pity parents and school teachers dont teach about this much. see ya'll around! ming weareradical at 5:44 AM
Friday, July 20, 2007 alright. i've something really weird to share with you guys. so anyway today we played against saints. then. there was once where i got tackled and landed on my neck-back area. alright. so that really hurt and i was sub out. but anyway. when i was literally crawling out because it was really super pain at first. i had noticed that the scene i was in. i had seen it before. in my dream or sth a couple of year back. at that time i didn't know saints had blue and white-stripped jerseys. everything was the same as what i had seen in my dream. only the pain was real. its really weird. yeah... jae. weareradical at 7:39 AM
Tuesday, July 17, 2007 Tuesday, 17 July 07 woahh! haha. thats really cool (to whoever posted that just now,haha). congrats on that friend you've managed to invite (: good to hear that (: haha. i think someone mentioned it earlier about "sharing rejections" and "spurs" in the previous post. well.. remember that friend i told y'all about last time? regarding the counsellor.. i tried inviting her cause she's actually a dancer and loves dance.. and she lives in Pasir Ris. but.. the timing's too late for her so she turned it down ): oh well. her best friend,meng xin. i know her best friend too. the three of us used to hang out at whitesands during the school holidays, or someone's birthday like around 12 plus till 4 plus. haha. which explains sometimes why i don't play that time, so people see me around hanging around there.. :D oh well. as y'all know, i spoilt my old phone REAL badly.. so i had to change phone cause it was beyond repair.. and.. i lost all my contacts. up till now, i have more than over 30 contacts that i still haven't gotten back.. drastic, huh. i lost meng xin's number. but i happened to have her best friend's number (whom of which, i was talking about just now) in my log book. so now, i don't have a way of contacting meng xin. and its like wednesday and meng xin's not been online the whole week practically ): oh well. thinking of other people to invite but i can't think of any. oh well. jia you everyone! (: its all about the passion to save another for Christ. and don't ever give up cause when it seems like its over, thats when you know, in GOd, you've got hope that its not. your friend might not agree this time, but who knows, maybe next time he/she will? or maybe that person might call you up on the day itself and say, "hey, i would like to go for the nubian gents concert that you've invited me to" so well. keep holding on. (: xoxo, alisa. weareradical at 3:04 AM
Helloooooo CENTRAL THREE (: i FINALLY remembered the username and password by asking J-A-E aka HANDSOME. haha anyway im here to tell you how great God is (: well basically its about asking my friend to come for nubian gents. the rather animated guy i was talking about during cell, scared about going to down there. he promised me quite some time ago that he would come for nubian gents. however, his aunt who is the chief editor of the newspaper or something bought him a ticket for a concert to Tommy Emmanuel. Tommy Emmanuel is some legend in guitar like yeah. so i was like super super disappointed but i didnt give up !! i prayed to God in my heart and today when i went school and said hey nathan, so how ? are you coming ? he said: i would really love to go but.. i said, i'll help you find a buyer, you tell your aunt and come for my church's concert ? He replied i'll call my aunt. and tada ! he promised me he'll come (: its OBVIOUSLY not my work, its God (: so central three ! do not give up, keep pressing on in prayer and God will allow your certain friend to say yes at His own time. Cause His time is PERFECT ! fellow central three-ians post your 'rejections' and 'acceptance' to spur and listen to each other on how inviting your friends was. take care and GOD BLESS !! NUBIAN GENTS WILL BE GREAT, EXPECT SOMETHING GREAT CAUSE GOD's GONNA DO SOMETHING MORE THAN WHAT YOU EXPECT. OR RATHER, ALOT MORE :D weareradical at 2:18 AM
Saturday, July 14, 2007 i received an email with this story not too long ago. and i felt that this really applies to us, in some way or another. Several years ago, a new preacher moved to Houston, Texas. Some weeks after he arrived, he had occasion to ride the bus from his home to the downtown area. When he sat down, he discovered that the driver had accidentally given him a quarter too much change. As he considered what to do, he thought to himself, ' You'd better give the quarter back. It would be wrong to keep it.' Then he thought, ' Oh, forget it, it's only a quarter. Who would worry about this little amount ? Anyway, the bus company gets too much fare; they will never miss it. Accept it as a 'gift from God' and keep quiet. 'When his stop came, he paused momentarily at the door, then he handed the quarter to the driver and said : ' Here, you gave me too much change.' The driver with a smile replied : ' Aren't you the new preacher in town? I have been thinking lately about going to worship somewhere. I just wanted to see what you would do if I gave you too much change. I'll see you at church this Sunday. ' When the preacher stepped off of the bus, he literally grabbed the nearest light pole, held on, and said : ' Oh God, I almost sold your Son for a quarter. ' you see, the preacher knew that i would be wrong to keep the quarter, even though it's such a small amount. however, human nature comes into picture. the human nature which has been dirtied by the works of the devil. He grumbles that the 'bus company gets too much fare'. in our world, have we ever complained that we are receiving too much salary? but when transport costs, food&beverage costs and goods & services tax increases, we grumble. we complain, we write in to newspapers. When the ministers pay increased, flip open the forum section of any newspaper publishing within the week and you would find many letters addressing a pay rise. even after their pay rise, they are receiving less pay than they possibly could in the private sector. that is one problem which i feel many people are 'suffering' from. today, what is holding you back in your walk with God? No one is perfect, yes, but we can strive to be perfect. we can start with the little things in our lives. taking things for granted, complacency, etc. slowly, steadily, you will realise a great transformation in your life. not many have succeeded in turning from their wicked ways, but through success stories, you realise that all their work to change has paid off many fold. our walk with God is definately not a simple one, but is that going to hold you back? you may dislike a certain change in your life, a certain restriction in your life, but is that going to hold you back? make everyone god's ambassador. megalife. are we going to just sit back and not fufill this, which has been given to us to fufill? let us start with nubian gents. let us reach out to all our friends. we may get 99% rejections, but when finally the 1% appears, you will realise that all your work has paid off. like for me, was it easter service or sth, i asked my classmates who were non-christian, and sadly, none of them were willing to come. i believe that the most convenient excuse we receive is 'i have something on'? however, let us continue to reach out. let us continue to spread the love of Christ. take care and i hope to see ya'll next week! jae. weareradical at 8:03 PM
ok guys! we have established new roles among you all. JAE. the handsome man. he will be our cell administrator. things like sign ups for courses, guitar classes, blog admin, etc... he will be handling it! he's been faithful with small tasks given to him and hence, bigger things are being handed to him. God has big plans for you my man. DARYL. he will be our new comer i/c. he will be in charge of the follow ups of new comers and new believers to our cell as well as those friends whom you've brought to church. yupp! he will be contacting some of you soon about being follow up-ers. do give him your fullest support and co-operation (: ok guys! nubian gents concert! WOoowOWO! its time for a harvest! so keep sowing and cultivating your "crops". its going to be all worth it (:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(: pray for each other. because im to lazy to pray for all of you. right im kidding. im praying for all of you. butya'll must also keep praying for each other and your prebelieving friends. there was a booklet given out on saturday. dont use it as toilet paper! its too hard! read it and follow it. remember: together is powerful. TEAM: together everyone achieves more. when everyone is praying together, in one spirit, in one mind, with one purpose. its powerful. yay! anyone who wants to go sy rogers this saturday 21st july, let jae know. thanks. anyone who wants to go for water baptism class but has yet to sign up, also look for the handsome man, jae. and remember i sms-ed ya'll to tell me who you are inviting, well, that has been handed over to daryl now, so update him about your friends and feel free to add to the list! i suggest everyone, please send him all the names and statuses(i.e. ask already, havent ask yet, coming, not coming, uncertain etc.) but daryl, feel free to do it however you want. ok! bye! -ming weareradical at 8:37 AM
Friday, July 13, 2007 Friday, 13 June 07 thanks Nicole and Shawn for your tags/posts (: i'm feeling better (: well a friend of mine by the name of Crystal told me a story and i felt really inspired (: and so.. i sat down and talked things out with her and she said "its okay" and didn't sound angry so i guess, it should be okay. i guess even if she's angry, thats that huh? you can't do anything much about it anyway.. oh well. at least i passed an admath test. that made me REAL happy. (: alisa (: weareradical at 2:55 AM
Thursday, July 12, 2007 hello everyone ;D hope you guys are having a good time in school now! (i've got school in the aft) anyhoo, i just received this email from my cousin and i found it rather meaningful and interesting: Malachi 3:3 says: "He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver." This verse puzzled some women in a Bible study and they wondered what this statement meant about the character and nature of God. One of the women offered to find out the process of refining silver and get back to the group at their next Bible Study. That week, the woman called a silversmith and made an appointment to watch him at work. She didn't mention anything about the reason for her interest beyond her curiosity about the process of refining Silver. As she watched the silversmith, he held a piece of silver over the fire and let it heat up. He explained that in refining silver, one needed to hold the silver in the middle of the fire where the flames were hottest as to burn away all the impurities. The woman thought about God holding us in such a hot spot; then she thought again about the verse that says: "He sits as a refiner and purifier of silver." She asked the silversmith if it was true that he had to sit there in front of the fire the whole time the silver was being refined. The man answered that yes, he not only had to sit there holding the silver, but he had to keep his eyes on the silver the entire time it was in the fire. If the silver was left a moment too long in the flames, it would be destroyed. The woman was silent for a moment. ![]() So if today you are feeling the heat of the fire , remember that God has his eye on you and will keep watching you until He sees His image in you! (: and alisa! i hope you're feeling better ;D i was reading day 14 of the Purpose Driven Life 2 days ago and chanced upon this verse: " God has said, 'Never will i leave you, never will i forsake you.' So we say with confidence, 'The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid, what can man do to me?' " See? God is always watching over you and you can tell him everything. oh & remember! we have life's greatest privilege- being in God's family! so whenever you feel down, sad, insecure or unloved, remember to whom you belong! God Bless! weareradical at 7:18 PM
Monday, July 09, 2007 Monday. 9 July 07. sigh, you know something, i had a really bad day today. i feel like some loser now, and i feel like banging my head on the table or something. i don't know la. ahhh. heck. people, just, have, bad, days. i'm like studying for my math test tomorrow, and i just can't remember everything. like you keep trying the same stuff again but you just can't get it. and i'm really super stressed. this test makes up half of my entire grade for math for this term. well thats that. but i had this really bad tiff with a friend at school today, and i feel really upset and down now honestly. it was a misunderstanding between us, you see. and i just didn't mean to like say all those things i told her. told you i'm a stupid loser la huh. what kind of friend am i. and i feel sad not just cause i should have thought before i told her, its just recently she and i aren't close anymore. she's one of those people i can feel happy even when i face problems. as long as we talk and just say "hi" or a little "i'm damn bored" makes a smile upon muh face. (: well there was this once she was telling me about her problems online and i took the chance to bring Jesus into it. like tell her God loves her and Jesus can provide solutions to her problems and stuff. i think i've shared this before. its that same friend. but i realized, ever since then, we don't feel like close friends anymore. and slowly, we just don't seem to talk to each other as much anymore. i don't know why. sighh. i'm a stupid loser, huh. what kind of life is mine. its so stupid and so sucky. i mean, i have other stuff that i've decided not to tell anyone anymore that makes my life suck totally. sigh. alisa. weareradical at 7:19 AM
![]() Anyway, I just wanted to share about the 40 Days of Purpose journey I've been on with Shirleen recently, and as of tonight, we're on Day 9. But even then, though I've only reached 22.5% of my goal, I'm already feeling extremely europhic. The things God has revealed to me through Rick Warren has been amazing, and today, my jaw dropped as the following passage struck me.
God said, "It's time to get on with your life! Do the things I designed humans to do. Make love to your spouse. Have babies. Raise families. Plant crops and eat meals. Be humans! That is what I made you to be!" You may feel that the only time God is pleased with you is when you're doing "spiritual" activities—like reading the Bible, attending church, praying, or sharing your faith. And you may think God is unconcerned about other parts of your life. Actually, God enjoys watching every detail of your life, whether you are working, playing, resting, or eating. He doesn't miss a single move you make. The Bible tells us, "The steps of the godly are directed by the Lord. He delights in every detail of their lives. (Psalm 37:23)" Every human activity, except sin, can be done for God's pleasure if you do it with an attitude of praise. You can wash dishes, repair a machine, sell a product, write a computer program, grow a crop, and raise a family for the glory of God. Like a proud parent, God especially enjoys watching you use the talents and abilities he has given you. God intentionally gifted us differently for his enjoyment. He has made some to be athletic and some to be analytical. You may be gifted at mechanics or mathematics or music or a thousand other skills. All these abilities can bring a smile to God's face. The Bible says, "He has shaped each person in turn; now he watches everything we do. (Psalm 33:15)" You don't bring glory or pleasure to God by hiding your abilities or by trying to be someone else. You only bring him enjoyment by being you. Anytime you reject any part of yourself, you are rejecting God's wisdom and sovereignty in creating you. God says, "You have no right to argue with your Creator. You are merely a clay pot shaped by a potter. The clay doesn't ask, 'Why did you make me this way?' (Isaiah 45:9)" In the film Chariots of Fire, Olympic runner Eric Liddell says, "I believe God made me for a purpose, but he also made me fast, and when I run, I feel God's pleasure." Later he says, "To give up running would be to hold him in contempt." There are no unspiritual abilities, just misused ones. Start using yours for God's pleasure. I know it may mean nothing to most of you, but it definitely spoke to me a lot about my life and the way I have been running it. I hope it'll impact you too, no matter how big or small this impact might be. Remember: our purpose in life is to bring pleasure and glory to God! 'Day 9: What Makes God Smile?' made me smile. :D yam. weareradical at 5:11 AM
Saturday, July 07, 2007 Saturday, 7 July 07 and the scary thing is, it can happen anytime. maybe one day a non-christian friend might leave this earth, this world without accepting Christ. maybe? but the scary thing is, you'll never know when it happens. you try to calm yourself down, and tell yourself that its impossible, it'll never happen, but you know it is cause it has happened before, not to you, but to other friends of yours. the scary thing is, you'll never know when it happens. it could happen tomorrow. it could happen right away. or perharps 10 years down the road, when you're an adult, but then by then the thing is will you still remember that friend? boy, thats kinda freaky. don't you think so? haha. its been something on my mind recently. yup. oh well. alisa. weareradical at 8:35 AM
Friday, July 06, 2007 ![]() Look at this picture. Sick, right? Central three, lets pray for the anorexic people out there because.... Its miserable to be thin. weareradical at 4:03 AM
Friday, 6 July 07 heyo (: AHH! i'm bored now. i'm going running with my dad quite soon, but i have to wait for him to come home first cause he's out. :X HAHA. so meanwhile, i entertained myself with watching anime. i'm going on an anime hype these days. watched something i never watched before, "sound of the oceans". which was.. BORING! the storyline was cool but the ending was stupid and there was no "hype" so i didn't get what i want! URGHH. it comes in the form of disks- a friend at megalife passed it to me and was like "here". so i was like "oh hey okay thanks!" actually it has.. QUITE a lot that i watched before.. 1. spirited away (MY FAVOURITE) 2.princess monoke (which i watched half way) 3. poko poko and.. i think i'm gonna watch another soon, when i have time. 've been busy lately, and thats why i deleted my blog. ): sad huh, i keep having many blogs before, but no one really taggged anyway after a while, so i decided,i'll delete it. ): oh well. urgh! that anime sucked. now i have to wait half an hour till my dad gets home. but one anime i'm looking forward to watching is THE JAP HANA KIMI! IT JUST CAME OUT AND MY MUMMY SAYS ITS REALLY GOOD! haha. better than the wu zun and ella one. i think i wanna go watch that! HAHA meanwhile im watching fruits' basket :D thats like my favourite anime. :D oh well. back to anime! bye. (: alisa. weareradical at 2:49 AM
![]() Hello!(: Hey hey, Live Earth is TOMORROW!!! Wear greeeen okay? Hah. Anyway I recently just embarked on 40DaysOfPurpose- along with Shirleen and Daryl, I think. Im only at Day 5! And I am supposed to be anyway! Haha. I think its quite interesting so far; answers alot of questions. :D By the way, my school's girls team won SAC, which is sooo GREAT, cos we usually dont. And the guys team won all three or four matches they played so far. Our guys' team is good!(: I changed my seat in class and now its impossible to sneak food or do anything under the table any more. God's gonna bless me with attention, I sincerely believe. Heather's got something going on with the flower down the road. (whisper whisper) HAVE A GREAT GREEN DAY! Heather is a happy girl. weareradical at 2:37 AM