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Friday, September 28, 2007 Friday, 29 September 07 whee hee, its like midnight now.. sigh, i just can't sleep. some people ask why? i say its personal. well. have you ever felt how its like to lose someone until its too late, and then, thats it, its over, you didn't treasure the someone when he/she was still around? sometimes it can bring you a smile to see yourself go through such a hardship, but knowing with dependence on God for strength you did it! (: but sometimes. it can make you feel sad, when you just realized "this person does have an important place in my heart. he DOES mean so much to me.. ! why, why God why did this happen?" or rather " why God, WHY didn't i treasure him when he was still around?" which is about today.. i guess, ahh well. this really nice classmate and CHC friend of mine really made my day today so i guess. i'm not on my usual high, but yeah i'll smile because. Proverbs 17 : 22. chapel service at my school today was about that. haha. God's my source of joy, my source of strength. one and only, no other. no other, and no others. none, but Jesus. above Him there's no other Jesus is the way. Jesus is the answer, for the world today. (: good luck for your exams! (: yes i know its plain RIDCULOUS but my exams start THREE weeks after everyone else's does. ): sighh well. that sucks. me and my friend had this SUPER big talk about that today and we all agreed it didn't make sense. ahh hey ming maybe you're right in saying, nothing makes sense. (: oh well. good luck for your exams! (: stay strong and in good health. (: and! (: any time you're sad, just remember that dwelling in your emotions won't get you anywhere :D yup i think many close friends helped me along and i learnt that (: and! (: just remember the happy happy things in life. like. SPONGE BOB SQUARE PANTS. haha. (: see you all in megalife tomorrow. alisa. weareradical at 9:49 AM
Saturday, September 22, 2007 okay this is my first time posting haha believe it or not. i'm supposed to blog about my thoughts about the relationships and dating and courtship thing but i need to gather my thoughts first. but i found this on an email forward and thought it was rather sweet. The Fern and the Bamboo One day I decided to quit. I quit my job, my relationship, my spirituality. I wanted to quit my life. I went to the woods to have one last talk with God. "God", I said. "Can you give me one good reason not to quit?" His answer surprised me... "Look around", He said. "Do you see the fern and the bamboo?" "Yes", I replied."When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of them. I gave them light. I gave them water. The fern quickly grew from the earth. Its brilliant green covered the floor. Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo. In the second year the Fern grew more vibrant and plentiful. And again, nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo". He said. "In the third year, there was still nothing from the bamboo seed. But I would not quit. In the fourth year, again, there was nothing from the bamboo seed. I would not quit." He said. "Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout emerged from the earth. Compared to the fern it was seemingly small and insignificant. But just six months later the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall. It had spent the five years growing roots. Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive. I would not give any of my creations a challenge it could not handle." He said to me. "Did you know, my child, that all this time you have been struggling, you have actually been growing roots. I would not quit on the bamboo. I will never quit on you. Don't compare yourself to others." He said. "The bamboo had a different purpose than the fern, yet, they both make the forest beautiful." "Your time will come, "God said to me. " You will rise high!" "How high should I rise?" I asked. "How high will the bamboo rise?" He asked in return. "As high as it can?" I questioned."Yes." He said, "Give me glory by rising as high as you can." I left the forest and brought back this story. I hope these words can help you see that God will never give up on you. Never regret a day in your life. Good days give you Happiness. Bad days give you Experiences. Both are essential to life. Keep going. Happiness keeps you Sweet, Trials keep you Strong, Sorrows keep you Human, Failures keep you Humble, Success keeps You Glowing, But only God keeps You Going! :) shirleen weareradical at 10:13 AM
Sunday, September 16, 2007 from my blog. must read. serious. and watch the video. must watch. serious. ---------------------------------------------- ive just been hit by the need for simple child-like faith in God. recently ive been questioning alot. trying to think of ways to prove God and creation and end times and explaining the reason for my faith. trying to gain knowledge about his word from his word, and from books and DVDs and CDs and sermons and all. all of that is good. it is. but i lost my child like faith. "i believe it because your word says it." pursuing greater knowledge of God is so important for us to Grow as christians and for us to be able to be clear communicators of his word, especially for me as a cell group leader and all those who have the responsibility for feeding his sheep. but the problem is, we cannot lose our the simple faith that God asks for. "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." matt 19:14 "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. " matt 18:3-4 God forgive me for losing my child like faith. its not that i dont believe in you, its just that i sometimes try too hard to make sense of something that is senseless: YOUR LOVE FOR ME. YOU. all of it makes no sense. God, YOU make no sense most of the time. you always like to show off by tilting the odds against you and then showing your power to us. haha. i mean no disrespect God, its just that we, we mere humans(your creation none-the-less) always are unable to comprehend that you are all powerful and always faithful, and we lose our minds trying to fix situations which you and only you can help us fix. and situations that you want us to seek you in so that we may learn faith and trust and reliance and dependance and all these things that we look to other sources for. lord your love makes no sense. and i dont think im going to try to explain why you love me so. im just going to believe it. lord your promises make no sense, and i dont think im going to try to find out your ulterior motives because they would probably lead me back to your senseless love. i'm just going to believe it, and thank you for it. too many things make no sense. i can only explain it as far as my singaporean education and the wisdom you have given me would take me. but they'd always in the end require my child like faith. daddy i love you. -mingmingboyboy. --------------------------------------- hey everyone who thinks your life is like shit. snap out of it and be inspired by this man i was. weareradical at 11:11 AM
Friday, September 14, 2007 Saturday, 15 September 07. are we scared of death? hmm. okay i know this is going to be. abusurply. random? freaky? whatever you call it, but well. today i went out, and i walked home with an umbrella, but i'm still super super wet. in fact i just had pretty nice shower :D kay wait, why the heck am i telling you my life -_- well on my way back, i was just thinking about the last two days. well yeah thursday was stupid cause my major test got postponed to friday. and friday was. crap cause the test was hard, well i didn't study smart and got a lot of stuff mixed up. but then, thursday. thursday was. freaky. well, yeah. if you all know, there have been earthquakes recently. it hit my house on thursday morning. i was supposed to take a bus to school, but my aunt asked to me to sit cause she saw the blinds shaking. Singapore environment is going haywire, down down down, oh, oh. yeah it was freaky. i sat down on the floor, super freaked out, in the position of some stupid emo kid. luckily my mum rang home and offered me a ride cause she fetched my dad to work, so she was just in time. (: but well, that was freaky. somehow, just made me think. what happens if one day, there's an earthquake, and i die? am i scared of the very coming of it itself, if that day really comes? is it an end to the world? well, put myself aside.. what about my family and friends? well at least inside i can feel peace for those who are christians, who will proceed to a better place called Heaven. but what about those who aren't christians? it'll be too late. well, are we all scared of death? is it something natural to be afraid of? *thinks, thinks* yes, i'm sorry if this post is REALLY freaky. well yeah if you really find it so, you may just delete it, i don't mind, i can understand. (: alisa. weareradical at 7:34 PM
![]() I've been asking around lately: have any of you listened to Hillsong Live's newest album, titled Savior King? I know this is going to be a pretty generic term for which I will be scolded by my Lit teachers, but the album's excellent. Excellent because for once, the growing need to commercialise their sound has been taken into consideration... for being thrown into the bin. That's right! Sometimes you do have to wonder why Christian (or 'gospel') music these days have to sound increasingly radio-friendly. Whatever happened to not conforming to the ways of the world? Remember: birds have nests and foxes have holes, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head. Though, of course, I'm not saying that they should totally break all of their guitars, melt their keyboards and drumsets and sing hymns like nuns. It's just really comforting to know that some bands like Hillsong have decided to ignore the need for art and flourish in their latest offering, delivering us fourteen songs of pure, undiliuted emotion. Even their high numbers contain less yeah-man-time-to-jam-and-run-out-of-sweat and more we're-happy-so-let's-just-shout-to-the-Lord. The tempos are slow and the melodies are sweet. In a particular song, 'In Your Freedom', the male lead singer croons so tenderly it's as though he's singing to the love of his life — oh wait, he is. And then there's 'God of Ages', which sounds so unbelievably happy you just want to stand up and praise God like you would in a worship session, whose atmosphere is perforated and thick with the same kind of happiness. (Man, I love italics.) But the track that touched me most of all was the fifth: 'Lord of Lords'. A single female lead singer, with an acoustic guitar. Other instruments and vocalists join in with her later but it doesn't matter. Simply because the second half has her build up a crescendo from a sweet voice to a mighty resounding of praise! That's how nice the track was: you could imagine all of the singing happening at the peak of a mountain (not exaggerating okay... -.-"). Here are the lyrics:
Hope you had a nice week mugging, and see you tomorrow... (: yam. P.S. Oh btw, I have the whole album now. Call-me-reach-me-if-you-wanna-beep-me for the album or some of its songs. weareradical at 7:30 AM
Thursday, September 13, 2007 Hey there cellies. I guess you probably realised I have been skipping cell for like, two or three times? And I feel really guilty. Cos I didnt skip it cos I had anything really important on. Its just that I guess Ive been very, very distracted by something going on. More like someone. (: And I just cant stop thinking about it, or, well, him. And it makes me feel so bad cos I know I should have been thinking about God. And it does'nt make it easier that its quite a two-way thing. But I guess after Ern's talk on BGR I decided to set my piorities right a little and concentrate on what mattered. It wasnt easy, at all. But, God first. :D So now well, i'm still quite crazy over it. And no, I do not have a boyfriend BUT JESUS FIRST. (: (: weareradical at 6:34 AM
Wednesday, September 05, 2007 Thursday, 6 September 07 are there people in this world who hate God? are there people in this world who feel like God has left them alone? i don't know. i'm left in deep thought wondering who knows the answer to those questions. hope you guys have been having a nice holiday so far (: september holidays are okay for me. nothing usual. just feeling annoyed that i have to keep getting interrupted in my beauty sleep, cause i've tuition in the morning. but besides that nothing much else special has happened. oh well. its coming to an end soon, hopefully this hols will be a time where we spend more time with God (: and wish you guys a nice rest of the september holidays. (: alisa. weareradical at 9:02 PM
Monday, September 03, 2007 hi guys. hope that your holidays have been great thus far. yesterday night, i was looking for a book to read for my quiet time. somehow, romans just stood out in my mind. Yeah i couldn't find my bible, so i took a bible from the shelf. it's TheMessage or something. yeah. so anyway, romans 1 talked about how ignoring God leads to a downward spiral. "What happened was this: people knew God perfectly well, but when they didn't treat him like God, refusing to worship him, they trivialized themselves into silliness and confusion so that there was neither sense nor direction left in their lives. They pretended to know it all, but were illiterate regarding life." Frankly, i think that with a right mindset and a good attitude, this problem can be overcome, as many have. However, Romans 2 had started off with informing us of one point: "Everytime you critisize someone, you condemn yourself. It takes one to know one." You know, i've critisized so much, that i wonder where i should start with my repentance. Then in 2:12, it says that "if you sin without knowing what you're doing, God takes that into account." It seems like a glimmer of hope. However, then i realised that it may mean: "If you didn't know you were critisizing, God will take that into account" however, i very well knew that i was critisizing. So, it was for me to humble myself and repent before God. It also says "But God isn't so easily diverted. He sees right through all such smoke screens and holds you to what you've done." so let us not try to point fingers and push the blame when we're in the wrong, but really just come before Him and repent. And mean it when you repent. God sees right INTO your heart. "God is kind, but not soft. In kindness he takes us firmly by the hand and leads us into a radical life-change." So, guys, let us work on God's side, obey Him and keep pressing against whatever obstacles appear in your life. may God bless you all. jae. weareradical at 12:04 AM