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Saturday, December 29, 2007 As the new year approaches in about a few hours or so, do reflect how God had blessed you in 2007 and think of how to save more of your friends in 2008. Remember, every soul counts, even though vision 30 have come to pass. Maybe I can share with you how to reach out to your friends.... Gtg Darth Teddy Samule weareradical at 9:09 PM
Wednesday, December 26, 2007 Wednesday, 26 December 07 hello CENTRAL THREE! hahaha. ever since i left for china with ming and shawn, haven't posted or had the chance to talk to you guys! haha cause my phone can't msg out of singapore. that means you can call and sms me, but i can't reply you! BESIDES, my parents wouldn't allow that anyway. missed you guys a lot in china! haha. i wanted to go online to say "bye" to friends before leaving, but besides missions there's been stuff i've been busy with that tired me out too. thanks for your concern (with regards to my super emo emo post). im feeling a lot better and things with my parents are getting better now (: perharps i just need to relate to people better. i mean i can relate but not as well as other people. its just something that i think i should work on :D but well. MERRY CHRISTMAS! haha. hope this christmas has been good, awesome wonderful unimaginable and just CHRISTMAS for you! rah rah, LAME okay whatever. and hope the year has been good for you. its not easy to say "i had an awesome year!" cause last year i didn't. this year was better but there's still some rubbish inside it that i wish never happened, maybe, its just like that. oh well. good luck at school everyone! haha. i don't really. look forward to sec 4. i cannot stand it when school life, and family life, and church life. is all CRAMPED together SO tightly. i really cannot maintain! URGH. but for now. i enjoying the days left! haha. so merry christmas, HO HO HO! and a happy new year. and good rest of the holidays. wonder when you guys start school. my school has a culture for oldies (aka, people who've been with the school since the previous year) no need to go to school at all in the first week except the last day (for stupid admin stuff which i feel like skipping). so i start school on the 5 Jan! YAY. hahah. rah! whatever. i should stop being randomly random. get good rest and good rest of the holidays! a rested dude is a dude who can do stuff. i like that :D HEHEHE. xoxo ALISAtanhsinhui. weareradical at 7:34 AM
Tuesday, December 25, 2007 open the eyes of our heart, lord. open the eyes of our heart. i want to see you, i want to see you. to see you high and lifted up, Shining in the light of Your glory Pour out Your pow'r and love; As we sing holy, holy, holy... Holy, holy, holy Holy, holy, holyHoly, holy, holy I want to see You. I want to hear You. I want to know You. I want to see You. that, is my heartfelt desire. i do hope that this Christmas the Lord has shown you things in various ways. yes, some of us may have taken such things for granted. Presents. aren't we blessed, people! we receive God's love so abundantly and freely! yet, he does not request for anything in return. in the same way, i hope that you all had given with a heart which does not regret. does not regret spending time, effort, money. yes, for that is what giving is all about! giving is what matters. receiving, is not even second best. we receive, with a grateful heart. HOWEVER. for many, Christmas has now become just a public holiday. for discounts. for decorations! for carols. i must say! there are a WHOLE lot of people out there, today, who do not know what Jesus did for them on the cross! Jesus had died for OUR sins. he was perfect. perfect beyond comprehension! His love for us was abundant. overflowing. Singaporean call it FREE OF CHARGE! people say there's no free lunch in this world! well then, run to God and you'll never thirst or hunger again. why crave for a free lunch. when you can have your whole life in the presence of God! A thousand days cannot compare to one day in your courts. all you need. is to really seek God for ONCE. just once. and you will continue doing so for the rest of your life. Jesus is there. he wants to embrace you! like pastor Vincent said. he died on the cross with his arms open. ready to receive his children. you run into his embrace, and you will never want to leave it again. i do hope that as the term reopens for most of us once again, that we will not move away from God. let us not be guilty of worshipping a fake god instead of our true God. do psych yourself up for term once again, and take care. jae. weareradical at 10:33 PM
Friday, December 21, 2007 Hi there, fellow cell members of mine. I dont really know what to post about, so ill tell you all about my encounter with Fish. (: . Recently, I purchased fish. Two of them. And I named them Howard and Horatio. They are really nice (I talk to them all the time) But my mom insists they're gay. seem unusually attracted to one another but its not right to label them gay! Anyway they are really nice until theyre hungry. One day during feeding An unfortunate encounter with a very-hungry-Howard left one of my sister's guppies, er, dead. She cried. And now she calls them the Devils. They were almost sent back to the shop until I cried in their defence. My mom got mad My dad got mad And my sister stared at the dead fish for hours. . Ta-da! Thats my encounter with fish.(: I do really love my fish. Heather weareradical at 6:08 AM
Wednesday, December 12, 2007 Wei Ming's post is below mine. Read his first. Some of you are bored... Some if you are going on hols. But keep in prayer. Pray for safe journey, esp for Wei Ming, Shawn and Alisa and those on hols. This year may be a bad year for you--- bad results, broken relations... your posts have been read. It is quite sad, but lets not negelct God. God put you through this for a purpose. Like what Nick said, as first he was angry with God for not giving him limbs, but later he found out the reason---- to use this as a testimony to the others. Some of you guys have problems and had not been close to God. But pls discover the reason God put you into this situation and have faith in him that he will guide you out of the mess. Keep praying. Always remember, your problem is only a speck of dust to God, Dont magnify it:) Alisa, hope you will seek God for help...... Samuel:) Darth Teddy weareradical at 7:25 PM
camp was crazy wasnt it?! haha well, before i go. i just want to address a few things. please take time to read at least the headings (: camp hype is good but it is not everything ok. lets just say camp was really mega hyped up. like, i think i never was so crazy during worship in my life. perhaps alot of you too! but its easy for us to lose focus on what is really the important thing. i'll address this later. firstly let me warn you guys that the hype we get during camp usually doesnt come during service. as pastor dave puts it.. "it's camp!" so during non-camp, things are usually tamer. this is not to say it has to be tamer! but it just usually is for reasons both psychological and emotional. but yes, do not be dissapointed when you find that "hey? what happened". its ok for things to be less hyped. God is looking for worshippers not headbangers. i can elaborate more when i come back if you guys want me to. closeness to God is all about quiet time after camp, it is common for there to be a drop in "spiritual dynamics". but dont be disheartened! God is always there and he wants to touch you the way he did during camp. this is where you guys must learn how to go into the "secret place". that is, your quiet time. its not easy to do quiet time even though you want to so much. right? so take it slow. maybe if you have never done quiet time, do 10 minutes a day. read one chapter, think about it, pray about it and for yourself and for whatever it is you want to pray for. dont be eager to increase your "minimum time" keep it at 10 mins for a week or 2 before changing it. its for your own psychological good. ahaha. talk to God when you are walking along the street. whisper in tongues in the shower, read your bible while taking a dump. memorise a verse a week or something! lots of things you can try. but dont be too ambitious. studies have shown that people more often than not will overestimate themselves. ok. thats all for now. i wish you all a blessed post-camp month (: alisa shawn and i will be back soooon. nicole, daryl, jae, sherwyn will be the in-charge with daryl the overall incharge. so please listen to them k? be good kids! goodbye! -ming. those with clean hands and a pure heart will ascend the hill of the Lord. weareradical at 9:54 AM
Tuesday, December 11, 2007 hey again. i remember during one of the cell sessions at the start of the year, we were asked how open were we willing to be to our cell. at that time, i don't think anyone had said 100%. which is, of course, expected. 100% means not pondering, just *snap* and thats it. you just tell. we face problems. everyone does. only thing is, i guess sometimes why we are so brought down by our various obstacles is due to our unwillingness to be open. to share it. why should we share it? when we share, first and foremost we may be able to meet others who have gone through or are going through the same problems as you! they may be able to help you with whatever problems you have. moreover, if someone else is going through the same problem, you could encourage each other as you go along. like in the triathalon for this year's sea games, thailand had 2 participants, while singapore only had one. that had led us to lose out in the biking segment. although we did eventually catch up in the running segment, but it did prove to be extremely difficult. see, one is alone, two is unbreakable. i admit, there are some problems i would not share for now. i guess it's really a matter of building up trust and faith among each other. thats the second one. by sharing, i guess you are really sending the message that "look, i'm trusting you, i have faith in you that you won't turn against me". yes? slowly, that trust builds up within the cell. and then, we would be more open towards each other, having built that trust. i certainly hope that there'd be a day when we would be just free of any strongholds within our cell. a dream, most would say, but i think that that day is approaching. let's take the first step, and the rest of the road would be easy to continue. jae. again. haha. weareradical at 2:08 AM
hey. it's december, it's the last month of the year. however, for some members in our cell, it too is their last month in our cell. shirleen, daryl, nicole. did i miss out anyone? in my opinion, these 3 people have made their very own contributions to our cell. no one is more significant than the other, for all have certainly bring this cell to greater heights. so yup. i hope that to whichever cell you may be going to, all the best (: jae. weareradical at 2:05 AM
Monday, December 10, 2007 Monday, 10 December 07 you know what? i really feel like breaking down in tears already. i don't know where else i can type this cause my blog's meant to be secret, but people can find out anyway. so sorry im being super emo. but like. i really wish someone can understand how i feel. i feel disappointed with God and so far away from Him, and i'm already trying to focus on Him and sort things out but nothing, NOTHING makes me feel better. and i just. blew it with my parents, real bad. there are many things in life worth smiling for. and i wonder why in times like now, the very spilt second im typing this, that i just can't think of them and smile for them. i don't feel like packing. i just feel like running away. i once thought maybe God really understands how i feel. but He ended up only disappointing me. does He really understand how i feel, DOES HE. why does everything turn out to make me feel more and MORE disappointed and broken on the inside. God, you just DON'T understand how i feel at ALL. no one does. i don't know. i feel like just running away. i wish i could like meet up with a close friend and talk things out. but then again i don't think many people REALLY understand me. what makes it worse is to know that. i once thought God cares. but now i can see, He doesn't care, AT ALL. i once thought God understands. but now i can see, He doesn't understand, AT ALL. thats what really makes me feel so down now. maybe i really am a great failure. and i should stop thinking of the good things but think about me, the stupid old failure. maybe i really am such a stupid, selfish person. and i should stop trying to be not selfish, cause what if i'll never change to be that way? maybe i should really just stop trying to please God and everyone else cause i keep ending up disappointed, and always failing, being such a stupid lousy failure. whatever. sorry if im feeling super emo and ranting it on you guys. you guys seem to be the only people i feel can understand me? alisa. weareradical at 6:37 AM