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Sunday, February 24, 2008 oh, and happy birthday to our dearest february babies: sherwyn, daryl and grace! :) im glad i finally got to join you guys for your celebrations and have a good catchup session with you guys! all of you looked so handsome and pretty :) :) service was awesome yesterday wasnt it. i mean, how often is it that we extend service for more than 1hr to just pray and cry and i dont know, seek and wait upon God? even though that meant there was no official cell, but still im sure you guys had a great time. HAHA tell you all a secret! the guest speaker was from Cornerstone Church!! Does it ring a bell??? :D okay and please take care of your new sec1s because all of you are gonna inspire and influence them to be great warriors after God's heart! :) and because they are all so cute so they are entitled to good treatment hahaha. yay! love, shirleen weareradical at 12:22 AM
Saturday, February 23, 2008 Saturday, 23 February 08 i love rainbows. do you? they always seem so lovely and oh so promising of love, hope, peace, joy. they always seem to renew hope when hope is lost. the thing is, sometimes its there and sometimes its not. i wonder why. random, whatever. haha HELLO centralthree (: just wanted to post something here again,as usual. (since i don't remember doing so for really long, or maybe it just feels like long). haha, okay. see you all. whenever i do see you all. and goodbye (; alisa. weareradical at 9:12 AM
Monday, February 18, 2008 Somebody apparently changed my info. Here is the correct one Evangelism is not just about asking your friends to come to church. Eg. Hey, you wanna come to my church, got big event for Easter? It is not that easy and that most likely would not work. If you are on fire for God and desperate to see your friends get saved. There are two things that you can do 1. Pray very hard, ask God to show you the way. Praying in a group is better. 2. Fast on Wed God will eventually guide you to your friends and sometimes, those who face problems and do not know who to get help from. 1.Approach them 2.Ask them about their problem 3.Share the gospel 4. Tell them that God loves him/her and can help him/her 5. Invite But before you begin, you must try to be Christ-like. E.g. Do not swear, curse or bully classmates. Show a good example and show how close you are to God. *Some of your friends choose not to respond to the alter call because 1. They do not want It is okay. God has his timing for each of your friends. You have started a "small flame" in them and they will start to draw close to Christ eventually. Do not give up. Bring them again and again and one day, they will surrender their lives to God 2. They want to accept Christ, but are worried about some problems Eg. Having to spend time with God and use their free time to do so. 2.Parents will scold them 3. Tough jorney in Christian Life Your friends would probably consider these things, so pray hard that they would put these problems aside and only feel the love and power of God. Remeber, in the end, it is God's will that is done Darth Teddy/Samuel weareradical at 5:23 AM
Wednesday, February 13, 2008 God desires our obedience and not our sacrifice. even if we give our lives for God, as in martyrdom, but we are not walking in obedience, it is not pleasing to God. thats heavy stuff man. im still trying to grapple with that. die also not good enough if its not obedience. thus my brothers and sisters! OBEY GOD! to obey him, you need to know what he wants. find out! ming weareradical at 5:25 AM
Tuesday, February 12, 2008 Tuesday, 12 February 08 its sad when we see the world turn away from God. when we tell them, or try to tell them indirectly and they don't wanna listen. its sad. when they reject it before they can even experience the goodness and faithfulness and love of God in their lives, before they realize how much Jesus loves them.. so i give you my heart, and my soul in a world where so much is right but so much is wrong LOVE SONG FOR #1 by CORRINNE MAY. a song that really touched my heart, you can ask me to send you if you want. this world has been single minded for too long. perharps, we all have been. maybe its time to change things for a while. life really isn't about us and one perspective and one perspective only but there's more that perharps we just can't see. but at the end of it all its sad so what can we do? maybe. when we really don't know what we can do, all we can do is give God all we have, our hearts. our minds.. in complete surrender to Him.. anyway! haha. my posts are always boring and i always can't find things to say when i want to say things. then when im not in the mood to say things, i have so much to say. -_- rahh, see you guys at church soon ((; Alisa. weareradical at 7:44 AM
hello everyone, i do hope that the days have been awesome for you. the break for chinese new year and all. you know, we're like having this oral presentation for chinese, whereby every week one person would present a topic of his choice. there was this one person, who talked on the topic of dyeing our hair during the holidays. he was against it, understandably. for he had given supported reasons. he mentioned two possible causes, too, one of which was the influence one received during the school holidays, where they think that they look much better with a different coloured hair and stuff. yeah. i would agree that if one's environment is basically filled with people with dyed hair for example, we would get influenced. no, i'm not against different coloured hairs. in fact, i think it looks great on people. however, the cause he mentioned made me realise. if we just make a slight break from God, how easily we would be carried away. for example, if you take a break from talking to God, it's like the school holidays. you go out, you do everything, with no one to restrict you, no one to tell you what's wrong, and you would not realise what you've done wrong. like participating in illegal activites. all it takes is for that slight wave of evil to break your clutch from God, and you could be carried for miles. what took you years to achieve, the closeness to God, when it all gets washed away by one single sweep of the devil's attacks, you see your success destroyed. would you want to struggle against the current? the distance you've managed to gain in a lifetime, destroyed in a matter of days. you would probably just give up totally, let the current carry you to wherever it brings you to. you would just fall away. indulging in the ways of the world. the current is the world. let's face it, we are struggling against strong strongholds. they're definately not easy to overcome. some would fail. some would succeed. we think we are alone. when we see the whole world. pushing us away. it makes us feel weak, useless, depressed, disappointed. it basically just ruins our confidence. but the thing is, we are not alone. never ever are you alone. all it takes is strength. you have the ability. definately. it takes the confidence to fight that wave. that seemingly strong current. how could i relate this. like the police force. all it would take is for one or a couple of police patrol cars to basically break up a fight, or prevent a robbery, prevent violent crimes, prevent riots, prevent break ins, prevent arsons. the police may sometimes be up against strong opposition. but you see, they have weapons, they have the ability, and most importantly, the law helps them. the law protects them, as they are after all civil servents. we have the weapons. we have the ability. we have the law. three in one. the word of God. it gives you knowledge, knowledge grants you abilities. you have the weapon, the Bible is a weapon. the word of God is like a sword which pierces through all those who stand against the army of God. it is THE law. everything revolves around the Bible. all it takes. is the heart. the heart. the confidence. the courage. i could tell you today that our Father is with you, and you can believe it, but when the time really comes. cling on to him. cling on. if you just somehow broke away, trust that your friends are like a net, catching you. and you know that you are not alone. you know that you definately have what it takes. you KNOW that you can climb back to God. run back to God. who can stop you from running to your Father who gave you LIFE? however, back to what i had earlier said. once we allow the devil to gain that foothold, it would lead to disastrous consequences. i'm not saying that you must do a and b and c. but i do believe that you know yourself best, you know what you would have to do to keep close to Him. quiet time, prayer, just a simple talk with the Lord, etc. i know that quiet time and all definately would help, but there is no formula that works for everything. there is no perfect formula. different formulas for different variables. it applies to us. do what best fits you. do enjoy life, enjoy studying, enjoy everything. for when everything falls down, you know that whatever work you have to do to get back to where you were would all be worth it. take care & God bless. jae. weareradical at 4:17 AM
hi beautiful guys and handsome girls. we're planning to host a CENTRAL BBQ on the 7th of march, friday, which marks the start of your holidays (: what better way to kick off the week long break than to being with brothers and sisters in christ. its gonna be great fun and food ( i shall see to it that nothing is burnt) please do check on your availability and let me know by this saturday during cell or if you are not around, by sms-ing me. get my number from the contact list that im sending in an hours time. try to keep it free yes? have a blessed week. Wei Ming weareradical at 3:03 AM
Sunday, February 03, 2008 AS THE DEER . As the deer panteth for the water So my soul longeth after thee You alone are my hearts desire And I long to worship thee You alone are my strength my shield To You alone may my spirit yield You alone are my hearts desire And I long to worship thee
You're my friend and You are my brother, Even though you are a king. I love you more thank any other, So much more than anything.
I want You more than gold or silver, Only You can satisfy. You alone are the real joy Giver, And the apple of my eye. weareradical at 1:11 AM
Saturday, February 02, 2008 okay. let me say it on a post instead. this is an advertisment about guitar lessons There will guitar lessons held on saturday 230 to 4, learn the basics of Christian guitar playing, absolutely free (: i also am trying to get students who want to learn more than just christian guitar playing. learn solo-ing, various strumming patterns and how to create them, learn how to be an independent guitar learner too! for these lessons i charge about 15-20 a lesson. depending on group size and who. central people will have cheaper la. but have to discuss (: if you are interested, please call/sms me at 97396744. if you have friends who are interested, also can give them my contact number (: thanks guys! xing nian kuai le! ming! weareradical at 8:03 AM
Friday, February 01, 2008 Friday, 1 February 08 i wonder why we always seem to lose friends. and right when we lose them, RIGHT when we lose them. is when we realized there's perharps nothing we can do to be a friend to that friend we've lost. that we feel like a complete failure. failed attempts, failures, failures. is that the good times we had together, are just memories. and not even deep ones, just plain memories. is that we miss all those memories. the good times we had. the times we helped each other. and all because, ALL BECAUSE of one small, yet stupid mistake made, its over. "i should have" and "sorry"s are a little too late, no second chances given..we're only left to dwell in feeling regretful and like a complete failure. why? now i realized that everyone of us really isn't perfect. and im like "yeah God, i accept that im not perfect and i'll fail. A LOT of times." but im also like why do i have to lose a friend who's close to my heart just because of a mistake i made? or rather, why that friend, why that friend? its just so. so, stupid, really that our mistakes can just. change so much things in our lives for the worse. and that all these changes can't be reversed. no "its okay. its the past, i'll forgive you.". no second chances. only failures, only regrets. why can't second chances be given? we're all not perfect anyway. but then again, life isn't all that fair and lovely and easy is it? but why can't we just start afresh, anew after every mistake? and why is it so hard to leave all of that behind? why can't we think about the future good things, or the good things that are happening now, and leave the bad ones behind, is it really that hard a thing to do? ahh. searching for the answers and thinking. but anyway! sorry if my posts are boring. i always wanna post here but i dont know what to type thats why i havent been posting a lot ever since late sec two. ah well. but yeah! hope you guys have had a great week at school and all ((: will see you guys at cell tomorrow. im so dead man, have like this 20 page report to do for econs and its due on valentines. )): haha. bye! alisa :D weareradical at 5:14 AM