![]() Central Three
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Saturday, April 26, 2008 Yo WAZZZUP Y'all Moses here. Alright guys i reeeeaaaaaallllyyyyy need help. My Examinations are in a weeks time so i haven't studied that much and most of my tests i have been failing. Yesterday i got 10/40 on my chemistry test. For my CA i failed 4 SUBJECTS and the rest were on the verge of failing , one of them was F9! and im having doubts about my SA so if can pray for me plz :) I'm always very lazy to study Man! Whenever I come home, I will either switch on my computer and play Cabal (Online game) or watch television :D I lack self discipline!!T.T Oh and Ali did great today during cell, hope all of you (especially Ian) were listening! :D Moses weareradical at 8:40 AM
Wednesday, April 23, 2008 Hey central three! Heather here. Thought i might want to say a few words about our tagboard. Okay, there are spammers, quite obviously. And since multiple requests for these spammers to quit has proved UNSUCCESSFUL, its our part to play to forgive&forget. Some of these spams are quite mean so lets just IGNORE and hope these spammers give up! Our cell tagboard should be filled with encouraging and Godly tags so lets hope these spammers turn a new leaf. Meanwhile lets just make do and CHILL okay? If your name has been used in a mean tag please clarify if you wish to, if not we all know you guys are innocent so its okay. :D central three, we're a cell! Not a verbal battlefield. :D So lets learn to love&praise God in all these things and not let childish pranks create conflicts in a sweet cell like ours. (: We're growing in number but we cannot miss out the importance of growing in spirit too! Lets do our best to respect and care for our cell members yeah. Oh, and central two is praying for us, so lets pray for their cell too! We're one big central family and its very important that we intercede for each other and cover our cells in prayer. Praise God, Heather. (: weareradical at 6:51 AM
Tuesday, April 22, 2008 Tuesday, 22 April 08 adults always tell you to "tell the truth and they always say "thank you for telling the truth". or maybe that's a common line of edision in grey's anatomy that i remember. its like as if telling the truth is a happy happy good to do thing. its as if honesty is like too... but actually... its just. so tough sometimes..... its sometimes hard to be honest to the people around you, to your friends, to those close to your heart... and saddest of all, is God.. who's even died for you...... all because.. you do not want to feel what you want to feel... just like how PJ said last week about not doing what you want to do... especially when you know the things you say may hurt people, whether to a small or big extent.. but that truth needs to come out of you rather than hold back because its best the opposite party knows.. oh well. i hope school's been fine for you guys (((: my chinese Os prelims for aural is this friday ))): oh well. i really hope it'll be okay. see you all soon ((: alisa. weareradical at 8:55 AM
Change is ever present. Change is ever happening Change is forever in us, around us Change is the thing that changes us yet. why do we despise change? Change is what destroys us Change is what brings us harm. disappointment. fear. but yeah, if things can change for the worse, it definately can change for the better (: everything has a good, and a bad side. we as humans prefer to dwell on the negatives, leaving the positives alone. well well, why don't we just turn our heads now (: take care, stay safe. jae. weareradical at 7:33 AM
Joel has started to enjoy christian music, and he has agreed to let Samuel take him to church and cell for 3 months. This may be a short time, but we believe miracles can happen! On behalf of Samuel, I want to appeal to you others to continue praying for Joel. Also, I want to say thank you for Samuel for the efforts and guidance you have shown him. James weareradical at 5:26 AM
Monday, April 14, 2008 Monday, 14 April 08 i love you. are three very simple words, but they're very hard to mean. we keep thinking we can mean those three words. somehow, we always want to mean those words. towards God. when we tell God "i love you", somehow, we always really want to mean what we say. when a line in a worship song captures our hearts, we always wanna tell that line that captured our hearts to Him. example: "and in my heart i pray you'd let your will be done, and till i see you face to face and grace amazing takes me home i'll trust in you" or "break my heart for what breaks yours, everything i am for your Kingdom's cause... Hosanna, Hosana, Hosanna in the Highest.........." we always want to tell that to God. when we do something wrong. okay, i won't write WE this time. i'll just write about I this time cause i dont know if you guys are like that too. but when i do something wrong, or/and when i hurt people around me. i always feel wanna tell God/those people i'm sorry but i dont know how to tell God/ people i've hurt and wronged, that im sorry, miane. simply because i dont know if the mianes (sorry in korean) is meaningful enough to bring my apology across to the opposite party. simple because i don't know (applies to people only, not God haha) if they'll forgive me. its always like that. then when things change. we're still all "i love you i love you" when things first change then we don't realize that there's a certain depth to which you say those words because you know never really know how deep your "i love you" is how true your "i love you" is and how long you can go on "i-love-you"-ing even when problems come your way and when those problems; make "i love you" not so easy to say anymore i think. i kinda thought about it today. i think we all know we love God. but then when the tough times come, when its not easy to love God then. then i wondered if that was really okay. then i thought "i don't know. but so what if its okay or not okay, is there a difference anyway." then my brain squeezed out its million neurone cells and the impulses restarted. then my brain starting working my mind starting cracking. and, i began to just really think. and as i thought deep and thought hard as my thoughts narrowed down. then i realized. somehow, loving God really really isn't easy. somehow along the way, being on fire for God really isn't easy. but did anyone, ANYONE say it was easy? then my mind relaxed and my brain stopped its deep thinking and i began to just flash back to the past. then i realize im stuck now. because no matter how easy "i love you" really once was easy to say now, its not the same anymore. no matter what happens, God didn't create time to be something that could be turned back. and it'll never be the same again. then and i thought and i realized. God. God always has His ways of showing us how much He loves us. when our minds suddenly change and tell us "does God really love me?", then somehow, sooner or later.. God always His special way of showing us that He loves us. maybe, for us. its like God's "i love you" towards us. but what about us? when times are easy. then "i love you" can reach the depth you wanted it to reach. but then. when problems come your way. your "i love you" fades away then i realized. that really. its when our problems come, that we'll see for ourselves how much we love God. now we may say "i love you" just like how we always used to do but when problems come, will we still say that? or will our "i love you" just be three simple words, not of depth? will it be "i will love you even if problems come my way, no matter what, i will love you forever and ever and ever" or will it be " i mean. i really love you. but i don't know if i love you enough to..........." whatever whatever. ? Alisa. Labels: i L.O.V.E. you. weareradical at 7:59 AM
Sunday, April 06, 2008 ![]() ![]() Together we make, a difference one voice one family We remain, undivided our hearts in harmony Together we make, a difference we're friends we're family We will share, a special dream together we feel, the CENTRALTHREE HEARTBEAT! Haha no idea why I suddenly thought of that! and to Weiming, yes, SEE YOU SOON. :D To Jesse and Moses, man I'm, we're proud of you guys. So brave of you two to go up yesterday! Did great man. heather weareradical at 5:40 AM
Saturday, April 05, 2008 firstly, let me say i really appreciate the sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet gesture (: thanks for all your letters and your love and your effort. it meant so much to me. really it did. these things make cell leading such a joy. thanks. secondly, let me say that, though you guys say goodbye, its really only a farewell! haaha. i'll be back before you know it. not as consistently as usual, but i will be there alot! haha. so all your goodbyes.. thanks but, NO THANKS! i'd rather be with you guys (: thirdly, please support shawn as he takes on his new responsibility. its gonna be quite a big change so give him sometime to grow into the shoes God has made for him to wear. and PLEASE, i ask, be co-operative and loving and whatever to all the potentials too! they've been given various roles and they really love you! fourthly, make your life count for Jesus. your life can make a difference in someone elses. always do what is right and pleasing to God and always be ready to fight the battles you have to fight. but okay. as i said, this is not goodbye but only farewell. i hope to see you all on the 26th of apr when i FIRST book out. ahaha. YEAH. weareradical at 10:22 AM
Wednesday, April 02, 2008 Wednesday, 2 April 08 hello central three :D i haven't talked to you all in like. ages. okay i don't know i haven't to like so so many people in like ages. but HELLO again! i just wanted to post something but can't post anything cause i don't know what to say. never mind, i'll just post something, whatever i can think of (((: anyway, hope you guys have been having an okay week at school so far :D wee okay. thats something. nah, imma kiddin. yeah! hope school's been alright. and its like 3 more days to saturday and 2 more days to friday and we'll see each other again! :D yay, okay. so yeah! will see you all at my chemical romance :D alisa. weareradical at 7:25 AM