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Sunday, June 29, 2008 Sunday, 29 June 08 hello all! hahaha. service yesterday was just AWESOME wasn't it :DDD haha. well, anyway. since today im like craving for shopping but i can't cause i gotta study i decided to tell you all a little something cool! haha. okay, maybe this ain't gonna be coool but likt, whatever? haha. think some of you might have heard me tell you the long story at cell last week, right? hahah.. basically i needed to look for a formal dress for this friday because.. i have to attend a wedding dinner on friday, yes. so so. i decided to go look at wisma atria because sis says "ZE. max&moore's bound to have some dresses i think". so went to shop with my mum. first dress was turquoise and white and i really loved it! BUT. guess what, it was VERY expensive. i couldn't believe it man! how can they set such HIGH prices. inflation? ahh, terrible, sucks. anyways. then went to some other shop, nicer dresses more expensive. everyone says, siggggghs. alisa's shopping trip SUCKS so far. okay okay. then went ISETAN and found nice stuff but they're all too. big. ohh my gosh. those i don't like, fit my size. vice versa. have you ever ever met with that before? oh man. just sucks right. so finally me and my mum were already SO tired. we said we'll look one FINAL time, if not just wear something formal but not thaattt formal as we wanted to (because its a wedding dinner, so yeah). and we found this nice black dress. by that time i was so like "woahh this is stupid man! i don't wanna shop anymore". kinda thing. but my mum like KEPT asking me to try it. and some woman came by and was like "aiya girl, why so fussy its just a dress anyway!" so FINE. i good girl, go try it. then i realized. at first i thought its ugly cause its just plain black and its really. long. not my taste kinda thing. but after trying it i somehow realized that hey actually its not bad. its not overly formal but formal and its really nice too, not that "ugly" as i defined it to be which made me realize you know sometimes. when we all have our tough times. i like turning to friends a lot alot. i think they'll understand me. cause they're like me, they're humans and some are feelers , like me too. then after a while, i realize. they're either busy or away. they can't help me and they're "being there" for me is limited at times. even when they can be there for me, sometimes the advice they give doesn't necessarily fit my problem. like it can be really good advice but stuff that might not really be able to help, if you get what i mean. but when we open up to God right. He's the only one who can help feelers. thinkers. introverts. extroverts. whatever. He's the only one who can give us advice that can truely help and fits the problem. like the lock and key thing in enzymes. some don't fit and don't react. others fit and become catalysts. when i realized that 2 of my really close friends in school left, thats when i realized friends can't always be there for us all the time. YES, we need friends. they're an essential ingredient in our life's cooking receipe to make the final outcome successful and tasty. however they're limited also, they cannot always be picking up their phones to hear us rant about our problems, they won't always be tagging our blogs, be on msn.. that point in time, i thought. HOW? really. like, just how? God's not a human, like them. would He really understand everything? but then again, if God didn't understand our problems, i wonder if He'd really place us in those problems in our lives in the first place? i doubt so. so yeah, it made me realize that we never know how God can help us until we just open our hearts up to Him, let Him come into our lives, our hearts, our minds and just really help us, love us and..yeahh. and.. after buying the dress i realized, it was 70 bucks. and with a 25% discount, thats 59 bucks. some kind of meaningful dress that is, haha ;D alisa. weareradical at 7:48 AM
Saturday, June 21, 2008 HI cell WEI MING HERE. well, as many of you know, im going to OCS, which is officer cadet school. basically, learning how to become a leader in the army. furthur more, ive signed on the the NAVY to become a naval officer too. this means that i have to serve a bond of 5 years, which includes this one year in ocs. i'll be in training for about a year till next year june i think and during this time, i will be travelling different ports, on missions/exercises out on water and so on. VERY exciting really! haha. but you know, although all this is such a blessing, i still cant help but feel that i will miss you guys so much and that i wish i could be around more to give more to you guys. sigh.. but i know this one thing, God is bringing in something new. im a old man now. leading c3 for so long. he is raising up new people to lead this group into greater things. things that i have not accomplished, they will be done. ONLY IF only if those that need to rise up are willing to say " i will choose to serve the lord" and WORK WORK WORK. we need people to learn how to pray good prayers, we need people to learn how to share the gospel convincingly and sincerely and smoothly, we need people to learn how to invent or conduct games that help the cell bond and assimilate new people well, we need people to learn how to counsel those who are in trouble, we need people to play guitars, we need people to share word, we need people to lead prayer groups with passion and commitment, we need people to give their money for the extension of the kingdom, we need people to give their lives and make sacrifice for the cause of JESUS CHRIST. not all will be leaders, not all will be intercessors, not all will be guitar players. but i want everyone to give what they've got. derek samuel jae, ive taught you some guitar, work on it and use it. USE IT. i believe you can do it to bring in the presence of God everytime. heather, you've been a source of energy and life for the cell, games and whatsoever, you've done good, but lets take it to the next level of creativity and innovation. activities that can change lives! sherwyn has been faithfully leading worship for a long time, but dude, i know you can bring more. worship unto God is a sacred act that at the same time requires the freedom expression, take it to the next level man. next level. alisa, a humble heart and one that is willing to do things without being recognised. take you're faith to the next level. tiziana dorothea samuel, i think you have what it takes to be a great preacher of the gospel. do you? i cant mention all the people here. but i think many of you know you have something that you can bring. BRING IT ON! i know also that you guys perhaps see undeveloped potential in each other, encourage each other to bring it on. one for all, all for one. jesus for all, all for jesus. i want you guys to really start to see that this thing we have here, cell group, is not just some kind of place for you to simply grow in your spiritual life or whatsoever. that is important but its not the only thing. WE HAVE A MISSION. we must all find out our roles, and challenge ourselves to play it. do you dare? wei ming. weareradical at 9:37 PM
This is my first time posting on the cell blog (: Well, there's a joke that I'll like to share, but I hope it won't offend anyone. There was this pope in Italy who wanted all the Chinese there to move out. The Chinese refused to budge and hence, they decided to have a debate. The Chinese representative, Ah Pei, knew he couldn't speak well. Thus,he suggested that they use actions to communicate. The pope agreed. The debate began. The pope showed three fingers, Ah Pei showed one. The pope did a circle above his head, Ah Pei pointed to the floor. The pope took out wine and bread, Ah Pei took out an apple. The pope conceded defeat and allowed the Chinese to continue living in Italy.Everyone was puzzled. The pope said, " When I showed three fingers to represet the holy trinity, Ah Pei showed one finger and said that there was only one God. When I drew a circle above my head to show that God is above us, he pointed to the floor and said that God is with us now. When I took out my bread and wine to show that God absorbs all sins, he took out an apple to show Man's first sin. Now Ah Pei's version... When the pope showed three fingers, I showed one and shouted a foul word. When he did a circle above his head to indicate that we have to go, I pointed to the floor and insisted that we're staying right here. The people asked, " Then why did you take out your apple?" Ah Pei replied," He took out his lunch so I took out mine" Hahah. I hope this joke doesn't offend anyone :) God bless bridget (: weareradical at 7:37 PM
Thursday, June 19, 2008 Friday, 20 June 08 we may lose people close to us/have to lose people close to us. friends, our very very good friends like, like best friends? they may have to leave us, and move on. and it may hurt a lot. maybe tears are all that we can do during then. but God lost His own son, Jesus, you know. and Jesus was innocent. thinking about that today makes me hold back broading over the things i do broad over. because, i guess it must have hurt for God even more right. thinking of the way Jesus was mocked and all that. how people longed for the Messiah's arrival and missed it when He came itself, ohhhman. alisa. weareradical at 7:19 PM
i believe in the power of people. for now, lets just sorta not think about the power of god and how he does things. lets focus on the power of people. the power of a person. in this world, there are a group of people who are extremely critical to our survival and growth of our human race. they are the change makers. without them, not enough food to eat. without them, no electricity. without them, no freedom for women. without them, no bible to read. what else? lets cut this down a little. each individual has the potential to change, be changed and be affected by change. Christians are change makers. WE ARE the salt and the light of the world. God has called each and everyone of us to be a light to the darkness. notice how dark darkness is without light? but a little light from a candle, immediatelly illuminates the room. there is visibility. limited none-the-less, but darkness has been dispelled. notice how plain a fried piece of potato can be? never tried before? go try. but add some salt, and suddenly, the taste of the potato is brought out. the goodness of the potato is shown. whats more, once the potato has salt on it, it is being preserved. salt preserves. each one of us, we have the potential to change our circumstances. OH! how often do we mellow in complaints and self inflicted pity about our school our friends our family our cell our church our boyfriend our teachers our studies our........ but how often do we do something about it. how often do we BELIEVE that WE CAN do something about it. im here to say there is something you can do about it. but alas, what great amounts of courage we need to face these things head on and rist failure, risk getting hurt, risk wasting our time, risk rejection, risk our reputation, risk.... im here to tell you there is a Jesus in everyone of you. i spoke with the cell last week about the fiercesome person Jesus was in his actions. ask them about it. There is a jesus inside you! You can be the one that changes your class to practice integrity. You can be the one that gets your cca to seek God's guidance. You can be the one that preaches the gospel in the canteen during recess/lunch. You can be the one that makes cell from dead to alive. ALIVE! You can be the one that stands up for the weak. You can be the one that fights for the truth. You can be the one that gets things sorted out at home. You can be the one that is radical, different, bold. what else? never take things lying down. make yourself heard, make yourself known. a problem is a problem. what fools we are to believe that this is how its meant to be. contribute. you may not be the one leading the front. you may not be the charismatic spokesperson who is able to stir a crowd. but you contribute. changemaker. Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers(and perhaps for other non believers) in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. i charge you. courage. be empowered by the holy spirit, and be encouraged in your heart. this is what we are meant to be. we must fight our battles. the Lord sees the heart. he knows you want to do it and he will bless you. sometimes, we are scared and we seek the Lord and give excuses such as, oh its bad timing, or "oh i must maintain my reputation for his name's sake". this in psychology is known as self serving bias. going for what is right is all that needs to be done. of course, there must be wisdom in your decisions. if not sure, ASK OTHERS! courage brothers and sisters. courage. weareradical at 10:22 AM
Monday, June 16, 2008 Monday, 16 June 08 wonder if any of you feel the way i do. but well, its just so.. strange.. you know. how sometimes, when you see no hope in things and you just wanna let go of God, but yet you don't? its such a weird feeling that can really take control of you and when it does then you suddenly hold back from letting go of God, you suddenly think "maybe i'll try to be more, hopeful" its so.. weird. but i guess, its a good feeling too?? i don't know.. well imagine we're holding on to our balloon which is God, and God's holding on to His which is us. somehow, we wanna let go because.. of one thousand reasons you can think of. yet you don't want to, so you hold tight as best as possible. and yet despite that, God grips on tightly to His balloon and never lets it go, makes sure its not about to slip out of its hand, loose grip, and fly away into the skies, perharps gone forever. i wonder how, i wonder why. God just never lets us go when we wanna let Him go so so so so..much.. and we in the end hold back when just wanna let go so bad. what a weird feelinghuh.. makes me wonder then then what happens if we just let go? are we like balloons, light as ever that floats into the sky and gone forever if you even let go just once, purposely or accidently? weird.. its just so.. weird. oh anyway, nice post Jae (: here's to a nice last week of the holidays, which is really sad but have a good one y'all! :D alisa weareradical at 9:51 AM
central 3. one cell. one purpose. one God. many different lives. different experiences. many changes. central 3. one body. many different parts. but. we work as one. one. it's a new week, last week of holidays. don't get too caught up with chionging until you stress yourself out like mad. just plan your time well(: jae. weareradical at 1:15 AM
Friday, June 13, 2008 what's money, what's grades, when there's nothing else. see you all tomorrow(: jae. weareradical at 7:27 AM
Thursday, June 05, 2008 Sunday, 8 June 08 A radiant bride greeted her guests with a brilliant smile as she entered the reception hall after the wedding ceremony. She gracefully moved about the room, the train of her white gown flowing along the floor behind her, her viel cascading down her button-adorned back. She conversed with each guest one by one, taking the time to mingle and soak up the compliments. "you look absolutely lovely". "your dress is divine". "i've never seen a more beautiful bride". "what a stunning ceremony". The lavish praises rang on and on. The bride couldn't be more proud or more appreciative of the crowd's adoration. She could have listened to them swoon over her all evening. As a matter of fact, she did. But where was the groom? All the attention fouchsed on the bride and never once did she call anyone's attention to her husband. She didn't even notice his absence at her side. Scanning the room, i searced for him, wondering, Where could he be? I finally found him, but not where i expected him to be. The groom stood alone over in the corner of the room with his head down. As he stared at his ring, twisting the gold band that his bride had just placed on his finger, tears trickled down his cheeks and onto his hands. That i swhen i noticed the nail scars. The groom was Jesus. He waited, but the bride never once turned her face toward her groom. She never held His hand. She never introduced the guests to Him. She operated independently of Him. - "every young woman's battle", Shannon Ethridge & Stephen Arterburn. that story was really touching ((((: i took it from "every young woman's battle". hehe :D as i wrote above. its a really awesome book about learning how as a girl you can have victory in battling sexual and relationship struggles ((: really really awesome book. it made me think of when i once struggled badly with that kinda stuff. how God really sees us through the seasons, every single minute, every single day, every single second, every step of the way. WOW HEY THAT RHYMES :D! kidding, back to what i was say. how, how sometimes. you may not feel as though He's there and you can't hear His voice but He's still there, helping us through every single big or small struggle in each and every one of our lives (: but more than that, if you've read it before. think yeah. the last chapter was kinda like the "answer" for me la (: about falling in love with Jesus, again and again and again, that despite having a healthy, wonderful and awesome relationship with your Mr. right (girls)/ Mrs. right (guys), that above all the most beautiful relationship you can ever have is with Jesus, simply falling in Him over and over again, simply Him being your first love (: and the relationship being simple :DDD as Sherman said it yesterday at band practice la. its really "i love you, you love me. period". haha, i like Sherman's analogy :D anyways yeah :DD haha, THIS is super interesting. 'We asked six young men, "what are th top ten characteristics you will be looking for in Mrs. Right?" ' HAHA... 1. she has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ (which was ranked most important by all six guys! haha :D) 2. She takes care of herself and has a positive self-image typical :D 3. She is generally a happy person and has a positive outlook on life true and important too right :DDD haha. as all my friends kept telling me when i was sad last time "cheer up! no one likes being around sad people". 4. She exercises self-control around other guys. yeah, important. 'One young man said "if i'm in a serious relationship with someone, i want to know that i'm the only one for her. i don't want to see her getting all giddy around another guy and then have to worry that she's about to dump me for him". hahaa.. suprising to hear the jealous side to that guy, but yeah. quite true actually! hehehe :DD 5. She is careful with money and can budget wisely woahh. if i had to list characteristics of Mr. right which i actually did before, i can't recall putting that in :/ but quite true. that guy must be super the "thinking of the future" type. cool man. 6.She has good relationships with her family and has close friendships :D 7. She is nurturing and would make a good mother someday 8. She is supportive of what i want to do with my life and encourages me 'more than anything, a husband needs his wife to be his cheerleader. Mr. right will want you to be his biggest fan.' HAHA! cheerleaderr... sounds very HSM(one)...HAHAH... imagine literally like cheerleading. instead of wild cats. hmm. lets see. what team? MR AND MRS RIGHT! what team? MR AND MRS RIGHT! what team? MR. AND MRS RIGHT! MR AND MRS RIGHT, WHOO! hahha..... ! :D 9. she has her own dreams and goals that i can help her fulfill haha.. sounds high school musical also. 'we're all in this together...' lol... but yeah, it never really occured to me that a small part of being Mrs right can be about your dreams too. special to think that hey, actually dreams can have a small but meaningful part in the making to be of Mrs. right. cool :D 10. She is adventurous and can enjoy at least some of my hobbies.. tsst..HAHAH... interesting. then they went on to talk about picking up hobbies. woah, never thought about hobbies to the extent of it playing a part in your bgr la. :D cool and interesting too :DDD hehe. ohyes! haha yesyesyes. as SAMUEL has requested, here the baptism photos :DD hehehe! ![]() and ![]() :D alisa. weareradical at 11:28 PM
"Daddy, could i have a goodnight kiss?"His little darling asked him. He gladly obliged. Love, that special connection was always there while the little girl was still a child. time flys by, and we all stand as witnesses to the fact that we change. we do change, all the time, as we see more and more of the world which was once just confined to the small space we call our house. what was once "daddy, mommy, could we have dinner together?" becomes "dad, mum, i'm going out for dinner with my friends. don't wait up for me." and then "i'm out." but yet, you know that when you shout at your parents to go away when you've just encountered some setback, they are watching your back. peeking through the crack at your door, standing outside the door listening to you crying. wanting to go in. but you rejected them. "get lost! go away. i don't want you in my life" strong words. great hurt. we feel bad. but we don't change. we want a perfect life. but the thing is, is there such a thing? yes, we as Christians would say there is a perfect life in Christ. but we are humans. and we rejected Christ. Although christ is still in us. are we still perfect? we rejected what was perfect and chose to go for what was imperfect made in God's image, yes, but did we go for a makeover to remove all the parts of us that says "God" we're passing through this earth, yes once again. but have we made this earth our home? who are we now. our daddy's little child? or have we just fallen prey to yet another paedophile. who's trying to take advantage of our weaknesses. for we are strong in Christ. but could you say that you're strong without Christ? jae(: weareradical at 1:46 AM
Wednesday, June 04, 2008 Wednesday, 4 June 08 Sow a thought, reap an action Sow an action, reap a habit Sow a habit, reap a character Sow a character, reap a destiny -Samuel Smiles got this quote from a book called "every young woman's battle". it was on recommendation during the true love waits period of time :DDD its a pretty good girl-book. the first girl book i think christian guys in my school wouldn't make fun of for reading. yes cause last time i read this other book (not christian one) which was REALLY nice, sophie kinsella. this christian guy in my class who was my desk mate really super super irritating, like every single day also poke me about the book being a "girl" book. whatever la he. that was random =D happy holidays :DDD alisa. weareradical at 8:01 AM
Sunday, June 01, 2008 you know it's there. you had left it there one minute, and turned away to play your computer game or something. after you finish whatever you want to do, you go back to get it. but you cannot find it anymore. you know very well it was just there. you had left it there. to take it back only after you had done everything. yes, taking things for granted. presuming that they will always be there no matter how you just throw them aside. your family, friends. God is probably the only exception who would be there for you no matter the circumstances. you can't find it anymore. you cry. you kick, you grumble. you get angry. you get depressed. but truth is. it may just be too late. why not treasure everyone you have now? jae. weareradical at 8:04 PM