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Tuesday, September 30, 2008 Tuesday, 30 September 08 i bought JM's NEW ALBUM (we sing, we dance, we steal things) (JM stands for intials for Jason Mraz) lately :D its nice :D not the most awesome album, but its a good one :DD nice to hear from Jason Mraz since i haven't heard about him for very very long, haven't heard his songs or any new ones till new rather. its been keeping me up late night studying because the music's just nice and has a nice jazzy touch and it doesn't make you fall asleep. i got curious about what kind of person JM is, by the songs he wrote, they're quite interesting beyond the fact that they're really relaxing music with ability to keep you going for long. and i read his story, which was so cool! :D haha. it was talking about dreams, about how he never really thought he'd be a singer and all.. dreams are some kind of strange. you can't really picture what dreams you have, and you never know when they come. they just come when they do. and placing your hope in a dream is, well. sometimes, it comes true. and when it does you're overjoyed. when it doesn't, you feel sad and you look into why it didn't. maybe, it just wasn't your dream. maybe, it just wasn't the right time. who knows? in the end, we fall to succeed. some way or another, even if a dream comes true, there'll be times it doesn't go well, but thats only what makes us learn more things and makes us stronger, to in the end, press on and achieve our dreams. dreams have one question at the end, who knows? okay. off to upload more jason mraz songs to my ipod people(: see you! alisa(: weareradical at 9:00 AM
Sunday, September 28, 2008 i thank God, for central 3. i thank God, for all the members and leaders, past and present(: i thank God, for every saturday. for everyday most importantly. i thank God for you(: every single one of you. weareradical at 1:25 AM
Monday, September 22, 2008 time time time. how many of you have wished for 25 hours a day? haha. like just one hour extra so that you can relax, take a longer shower, say a longer prayer, read an extra chapter and snooze that little bit longer. sounds good eh? not gonna happen. sadly. so i want to tell you how to get an extra hour everyday. by not wasting time. easier said than done? its actually really easy. 1. call instead of send super long text messages or letting messages bounce back and forth and back and forth. saves ALOT of time. so instead of discussing things over sms, just make the phone call and it will save everyone alot of time. AND i know many of us like to chat over sms. haha. i also like, but i cut down and only when im like on the bus, or like walking from place to place do i reply these chat things. instead of interrupting my work to reply. so i can finish my work faster! 2. learn to do things the fast way. eg. instead of wearing your shoes by taking out the laces all the time, leave the laces slightly loose so you can just slip your foot in, but tight enough so its still snug. works for me, i still do it. or even things like typing on the computer. develop good typing skills! helps alot. 3. dont watch tv. thats right! you heard me, dont watch tv! tv is most of the time junk seriously. hardly any value in watching it. pick up some other "relax" activity instead! like playing an instrument or exercising. you will feel like you used your day more wisely. 4. dont watch tv, and DONT pick up another relax activity if you already have a relax activity. basically, do what you gotta do first. 5. if you take public transport home everyday and it takes REALLY long, you may want to look or ask around if anybody's parents give them a lift home everyday or something. and maybe you can take a lift to somewhere nearer home. most parents dont mind (: 6. if you're on the train, or bus, you can do plenty! read your notes, read a book (if you dont get a headache) talk with your bus buddy about something meaningful. 7. during reccess, WAIT for the queue to subside. while waiting, you can do your homework or talk with your friends about something meaningful. that way, you dont spend so much time waiting in the queue. only risk is, you gotta time it such that you wont be late for lesson. 8. during lessons, PAY FULL ATTENTION. so that you dont have to RE LEARN the whole thing again on your own. that way, when you pay full attention, you can ask the teacher questions without fearing her scolding you for not paying attention. 9. make sure you know where things are in your room. so that you dont waste time looking for them. use labels, organisers, and what not. i tend to waste ALOT of time looking for things. 9. learn to write fast and neat. this is really super important for exams, but in everyday school life, if you can write fast and neat, you'll save so much time! practice makes perfect. 10. by committing your time everyday to God. this way, you may have a clearer understanding on whats important to God and not important to God and hence, you can clear away some things on your schedule. see. saving time is possible. but make sure, the time you save, you gotta use it wisely! sleep a little more if you get too little sleep, spend time with God if you dont already do so, spend time with family, read a christian book, listen to an audio sermon. God wants us to be good stewards of our time. and i dont mind being extreme to get every second i can. precious time. weareradical at 10:47 AM
Sunday, September 21, 2008 I would like to respond to Jae's post. Bro, that was a very mature piece of writing. proud of you man! those who havent read it please read it, and reflect upon yourself. i'd like to pick up what he has said. Guys, think about it. where are your hearts when you come to church on saturday? i can tell you some honest confessions about myself, i hope you guys can identify. 1. during my exam season, O and A levels, prelims, if i had been studying till 4pm before going for service, my mind would be TIRED. Not only that, i would also be thinking about that last question that i had no idea how to do. my mind was not focused on God. 2. other times, my motivation for coming to church would be to meet my dear friends. my best friends are from church by the way. haha. so i really look forward to meeting them. but i do not feel the same about meeting God. 3. yet other times and this tends to be the most true. i come to church for central 3. seriously. you may say, YAY ming loves us so much, but its actually not the best situation to be in. my heart is not in seeking the Lord or worshiping Him. 4. i come because i've no excuse not to come. im sure this resonates with many of you. my heart is not open to the Lord. so where are your hearts on saturday? i suggest. you come early to service, at the very least, be punctual so that you can allow TIME for yourself to take your mind of the hussle of life, and return to the simplicity of worshiping God. also, you'll be more open to God's word when you have restored that "you are God, I'm your servant" relationship with him. and also, jae mentioned something about taking the lead without being afraid of what others may think. i'd like to offer some balance to what he said. he is RIGHT in saying that we should worship God without caring what others think, but at the same time, there is a need to be considerate too. see, when you worship in a church setting, like it or not, there are at least 4 people in your one meter radius. so, if your arms are swinging around and hitting people, i think thats no good, cuz you distract others. also, if you feel you want to turn to face the back to worship, that is distracting too because it looks like you are worshiping somebody else. okay a little bit extreme. how about shouting out loud jumping around and clapping your hands in joy during a worship song. it is distracting. dont do distracting things, because we want to help others to be in a place of worship too. HOWEVER, there are some occasions that you can really be undignified, it may be distracting, but it might inspire passion in others too (: take ONE camp for example. it didnt start of crazy in case you dont remember. the craziness only started when some crazy people started being crazy, hence inspiring others to do likewise. which turned out to be awesome, RIGHT? see the balance? i hope so. if you've any questions about this, feel free to ask about it k? MING weareradical at 11:15 PM
Saturday, September 20, 2008 Sunday, 21 September 08 i guess, i guess. sometimes. to grow strong, you must first be weak. to stand tall and strong, you must first experience falls. to have successes in life, you must first experience failure. some kind of wonderful. but i think growing strong can be not an easy process at times. i guess, to grow strong we fall and stumble, and and things happen that break our hearts. things happen that hurt us in a way we never have felt hurt before. things happen that make us so so sad, that it becomes harder to smile each day. i admit though i do love to smile but i have a sad side too, haha. but yet out of these things that break us so much and hurt us in such a way so so much, we grow stronger. yet, though we hate going through these things and feeling all sad, they're only those that mould and shape us as we grow up, as we grow older, more and more to be the person we've been created to be. doesn't really sound easy on the ears, does it. to have to grow through falls and all, though everyone does. but yet the joy of seeing yourself emerging into a stronger person, able to handle more things life throws at you from in a better way, entails much much more joy, than all the grumbling of growing through the process of growing stronger. so its a beautiful yet painful process at the same time. all the best for exams everyone! haha. we should go study together soon or something, haha. alisa. weareradical at 11:37 PM
Now that you're near -Marty Sampson/Hillsong (bridge) And i will sing for you always 'Cause in Your presense God Is where i want to stay It's so easy to sing these songs. there're the fast songs, the slow songs. there are worship orders. like the speed of songs have to be gradual. you've to pick the correct songs. you have to have the worship team jumping up and down to get everyone hyped up. you have to have the drums to get you into the beat of the song. or the sad tunes to get you to reflect. you have to wait for the worship leader to lead you into the chorus. lead you into a song. get you to stand up. you know how whenever we enter into worship centre we would just sit and talk waiting for the worship leader or PJ or someone to ask us to stand and pray and yeah just to get us ready. why? i admit. i'm guilty of this. i'm ashamed. no matter what you say, i'm ashamed. it's not that i don't care. i don't dare to start praising him the moment i step into the sacred place. there're no excuses for me. no excuses. and i doubt that would change anytime soon. i don't dare to stand up and be special. to be that leader. i guess it's cause i fear that no one would follow! imagine you walk in and everyone's sitting down and it's not time yet. and you start singing and worshipping and everyone goes quiet and stares at you. the whole centre's lights are still on. the band isnt up yet. and there you are singing with everyone staring at you. if that'd happen to me i don't know how i'd respond. thats the fear in all of us isn't it. we need the preacher to crack some funny thing every few minutes just to ensure that we don't wander away. why? if we were hungry enough for the knowledge and the truth of the word of God we wouldn't need the pastor to do some attention seeking thing! it wouldn't even matter if he was speaking in a monotone and just reading off his script! We would be devouring every single word he says because every word he says is blessed with the Holy Spirit and if that is what we are seeking after we would be picking up every single thing for the full length of the sermon. even if we are in a stuffy place there is no aircon no comfortable seats and we are sitting on the cold hard ground it would not matter. but that's not us, is it. exams are coming for most of us. the older people are having their promos. the sec 4s are having their Os. the sec 1s are having their first major exam in secondary school. the sec 2s are having streaming. the sec 3s are having exams too. if i may ask one thing. how are you living your life today. jae(: weareradical at 9:22 PM
Sunday, September 07, 2008 dear central 3. the leaders are currently in a mode of seeking God for a new vision. please pray for us that we will be sensitive to God. also, do feel free to share with us anything that you think might be God telling you about the cell's future. dont worry about being wrong or anything because sometimes such mistakes do happen. just freely share. thanks for praying (: and i wish you all a good new term. im gonna be having a really stressful week, but God is still GOOD! lots of love, ming weareradical at 4:59 AM
Saturday, September 06, 2008 Sunday, 7 September 08 hello central three! haha, as i was saying i'll post about my birthday party here(: well its not so much a birthday party la, the whole thing behind it is to just have friends over to share the joy of turning sixteen so its more of a celebration la, yup. its at my house. time: evening time, as of current 7 plus. days: 12, 17 or 19 september thanks for letting me know, for those who have replied :D yup! anyways, yup hope you guys can reply as soon as possbile as to which day/days you can make it, and thanks sorry things are haywire! haha. i realized i do have quite bad planning skills and i guess i'm learning along now towards my birthday's nearing.. yeah sorry ); but if you guys have any questions feel free to call me and i'll reply you asap,yup! thanks, see you all soon :D alisa :D weareradical at 7:08 PM
Tuesday, September 02, 2008 Monday, 2 September 08 i found this rather meaningful(: our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. it is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. we ask ourselves, who am i to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? actually, who are you not to be? you are a child of God. your playing small doesn't serve the world. there's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. we are all meant to shine, as children do. we are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. it's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. as we are liberated from our own fear, our prescence automatically liberates others. - Marianne Williamson. see you all tomorrow, alisa(: weareradical at 3:05 AM