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Tuesday, December 16, 2008 Tuesday, 16 December 08 okay long time never post, hello central three :D today's been a really interesting day for me cause i had my AUSSIE FRIENDS over for dinner with their families! and my ex-neighbours. we all know each other, what a small world. its kinda difficult for us to meet for the simple fact that we're maintaining a friendship here across the globe! its summer in australia now, summer over there is around december to march i think. or maybe i remembered correctly. their summer is three months but we only have december and january for us to meet cause school in Singapore starts in mid/late january/february even though they have three months off, so our timings are really quite limited to meet up! but yeah, its interesting. we haven't seen each other in a year (talking about me and my aussie friends), and we seem to have done quite some looking back in retrospect tonight and laughing over the good times... i only wished we had remembered to get each other's contacts after number changing here and there, and each other's msn! and photos, but we were probably talking so much that in the midst of that it just slipped past our minds. anyway, just a thought that striked my mind. friends just come and go. and sometimes its sad cause you have to suddenly bid a close friend goodbye, when you need that friend the most or when you just find it so hard to. friendships aren't very easy to maintain, especially across the globe. for those who don't know, i have friends in australia :D quite some la, its just that i haven't talked to them for very long. its just that after a while, when you don't see friends, both parties sometimes just seem to move on into their own lives. everyone just gets busy with their own things and people hardly take that time and effort to catch up, but i think me and my aussie friends did that tonight :D hehe. just a thought, friendships don't have to be limited just because your friends are across the globe. modern technology helps you in the smallest and slightest way- phone, msn, facebook, email, skype, friendster, and so much more. yes my aussie friends are asking me to add them on facebook when i don't even have an account but because of that i'll be considering getting one after all these years of not wanting one, HAHA(: okay, i'm gonna cut this short and get to the point.. it just striked the thought that after all these four years, i've made so many friends in central three. people have graduated out of the cell here and there, and many new people have come in. i think i haven't talked to those who graduated out of the cell for a very long time! but nevertheless, i made many friends here. and.. yeah. just wanted to say that even as next year i won't be with you guys anymore, lets not let our friendships be limited by a fact that i'm from central three! lets continue to keep in touch even after people enter the cell, and graduate out of the cell as each year passes by. lets not let such a simple fact limit our friendships :D for sure we'll all move on to our own lives. you guys will probably be busy with other things next year i guess, maybe? i don't know, like maybe planning for another cell camp or another worship experience? and meanwhile, i'll be busy too trying to cope with IB cause its really no joke, its going to be hard core and quite demanding. probably gonna be busy coping with ministry, trying to make new friends in my new cell and cope with changes here and there. yeah i know, it won't be easy to maintain that same level of closeness. some of us will grow closer to people we already know. others of us will start to make more new friends. maybe? i don't know. and i don't know, perharps it won't seem easy to maintain that same level of closeness. but its okay, lets still continue to keep in touch with one another and be good friends, have that same laughter and joy of our friendship, when next year comes! lets not let our friendships be the great friendships they are only when we're in central three but even when we leave and there after when that story continues (: Alisa :D weareradical at 8:03 AM
hi guys. im starting on a study on the bible, so i will try to post some of the things that i have learnt so that you too can learn with me (: God is just awesome in his word. may you all be excited and devoted to discovering it. love, ming PSALMS 1 verse 1 Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. paraphrase: joyful and well is a person who is not influenced by those who do evil, is not open to the way darkness and is not proud and haughty. to be blessed we must not be influenced by those who do evil. this means that, we must be able to stand firm even in the presence of worldly influences. some of these influences that are rampant among us now are those of anger, drunkeness, sexual immorality, gossip, materialism and rebelliousness. anger: have we been angry at those who skive when doing group work? have we been angry at our parents for not giving us all that we want? have we been angry at ourselves for the way we behave at times? have we been angry with God for not providing? drunkeness: do we seek highs from substances such as alcohol, tobacco or even drugs? do we allow such substances to take over our consciousness? sexual immorality: do we condone immoral television? even though its PG doesnt mean it is acceptable to God, BY THE WAY. do we entertain thoughts that are displeasing to God? are we involved in pre-marrital sex, or any sexual activity that we know is wrong? gossip: do we speak ill of others, be it true or false, so as to de-fame him/her? do we make up stories of people so as to ruin their reputation? do we listen to gossip and allow it to impact our impressions of the people involved? materialism: do we weigh material well being above spiritual well being? do we make friends who are rich, just because they are rich? do we try to win friends over by material means? do we judge people by the way they dress or the cars they have? do we desire material things more than we desire God? rebelliousness: are we disrespectful to authority? do we allow ourselves to participate in acts of rebellion? do we speak ill of our leaders/teachers because we do not like them? do we intentionally not comply with their instructions to anger them? do we try to cheat them? check yourselves. im in many of these categories sadly. but there is hope, God came that we may become more than conquerors! are we walking in the counsel of the wicked today without even knowing it? are we letting the world influence us? remember, not all things that the world says is okay, is really okay. we must always head back to the word of God to find that out. i'll continue on the rest of verse one another day (: weareradical at 2:40 AM