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Monday, January 26, 2009 what are you looking for in God? happy cny! jae(: weareradical at 8:11 AM
i don't have a million bucks sitting in my safe. i don't have the answer to why billions of people are suffering i don't know why people have to get sick i don't know why you've to be hurting so badly i don't know why there has to be lust. hatred. anger. i don't know why God punished so severely. i don't know why i don't have a maserati sitting on the car porch i don't know why i can't get straight As i don't know why i'm so unsporty i don't know why everyone tells me im so ugly i don't know why everyone rejects me i don't know why everyone close to me has to leave one at a time i don't know a billion and one things but what i do know. is that i've a Father in heaven who loves me unconditionally and wholeheartedly. and that's all i need(: jae. weareradical at 7:00 AM
Wednesday, January 21, 2009 you know when people ask me to count my blessings? it's not just the food. not just the house i have. not just the education. the lifestyle. yes, all these are God's great blessings to us. but guess what. i count each and everyone of you too (: cause all of you are my precious brothers and sisters in Christ. great blessings. what could be greater than having such a wonderful family? :) the wonderful family, under the hand of God :) jae. weareradical at 5:24 AM
Friday, January 09, 2009 Saturday, 10 January 09 i think its strange how fast we can forget things the moment we actually learn them. sometimes, we learn things and these things go into our heads forever. they somehow manage to stay inside our heads and our hearts. sometimes, we learn other things but the moment they go in, the come out the next instant. its.. strange, isn't it? i think all of us, at some point of time, will come to a point where we're faced with circumstances that make us grow stronger. and thats AWESOME. As we continue to grow stronger and stronger, we start to realize that we could never come this far by our own strength. Its by God's strength that we've come this far, not our own. by God's strength, we've reach heights we've never reached before, accomplished big dreams and goals that we really wanted to achieve, and do things we thought we could never have done. but somehow as we grow stronger and stronger, there is a point where we come to have some sense of humility. we have to humble ourselves, and realize that no matter how much stronger we are growing, that we will never outgrow God, and His strength. i loved how my friend once had beautifully said this on her blog: 'there are many giants in life. i'm glad God is one giant i will never outgrow'. we will never outgrow God and His strength, He truely IS like our giant that we can never outgrow. at some point in time, we realize no matter how strong we are growing, we are still weak. we still have our weaknesses, our faults. but in God, we are made stronger and whole. we could never have been made stronger without God's strength. they say God is like our "feet when we can't move on", the "light in the dark" and the "whisper inside our hearts" and its so very real, and so very true. hope you all are having great time at school central three! i will visit you guys pretty soon :D i hope. Alisa. weareradical at 6:07 PM
Thursday, January 01, 2009 i've just one question. what are you? reflect upon your answer to that question. and yeah, it'd probably say alot about yourself. you may be a student, a model, a president's scholar, whoever. we are still dust. and yeah, i think that we really need to be reminded of that. we may be the highest of God's creation, called to steward everything else. to name everything else. but we are still dust. and i think it's time we realised that only with humble dependence on God, can we really excel. let's not get all high and mighty, but realise that as easily as God could breathe life into us, he could destroy us anytime. let's place God in the center once again. on a side note, jiayou for those who are gonna return to school once again (: alisa, do visit us often! zachary as well! take care(: jae. weareradical at 5:54 AM