![]() Central Three
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Wednesday, September 23, 2009 hi guys. ming here. i just watch a video of this extraordinary young 11 year old kid dance at the very popular show, Britain's got talent. i was like wow. you can check it out here. but what really hit me was not the dance. in this show, and the many others like it, its about getting approval from the judges and your fellow countrymen. you stand there, you sing your song, you do your dance, you do crazy stunts, you do magic tricks etc, all in the hope that you be approved by the judges to go to the next round. for this kid, he simply, loves dance. and he dances. he gives it his all to this audition. see how similar this is to our christian walk. we all have our own songs that we sing to God, our own dances, our own performances. all of which we show to God hoping for his approval. like the story of cain and abel. would our sacrifices of praise be lovely or despicable to God? would God approve us? so i urge you all. dance your heart out for the Lord. it is the most important approval we need. imagine father son and holy spirit are like 3 judges watching you, perform the performance of your life. and in the end, he would either say "well done, good and faithful servant." or "away with me evil doer!" this is the most important approval we must have. lets rise up and take our upward call, that is; christlikeness. amen. ming weareradical at 8:29 AM
Jeria Kua at 3:08 AM
Tuesday, September 15, 2009 hi c3 <3 ming again. i must tell you all that... university is probably my best time in education EVER! i mean.. im just having a blast learning so many wonderful things about our world and about people and about everything. my modules 1. intro to psychology. FASCINATING. our brain.. its INCREDIBLE. do you have any idea what it takes to make a person like YOU, work? i mean.. even if you're just stoning... your eyes are looking at something (which you choose not to pay attention to), your butt is feeling the chair (hard? soft? warm? but you dont really care either), your back is automatically keeping you seated up right, your lungs and heart and digestive system work without a trace (other than occasional farts). and that grey lump between your ears controls all of this. amazing. 2. geog. patriotism and loyalty and territorialism and migration.. how do we come up with all these things? how does the government influence us? national day songs useful? li jia wei at the olympics.. WHAT FOR? 3. theatre studies. drama, acting, speech, lighting, stage, props, signs.. so many of these things even in everyday life, we can employ. 4. genes and society. dna? genes? eugenics? pre-natal diagnosis? 5. einstien's universe and quantum wierdness. WOW. special and general relativity. space and time and space-time. gravity is not a force! its geometery! stars, nebula, sun, explosions blah blah. my point. i feel that all these things i learn are giving me such an incredible picture of who God is and what he is capable of. awesome stuff.. im growing in awe, in school! you can too. see the little wonders of the Lord in science, math, art, literature. open your heart and eyes and see with spiritual eyes. God is everywhere. what measurement can i use to quantify your love? how far can my arms stretch wide? what songs can i sing to the one above? the one from whom, i cannot hide. your love for me is like the only star i see at night. it shines and captivates me in the deepest of ways your love it dances around in full sight yet sometimes i turn away. why am i so little in faith? does my unbelief hurt your heart? still the truth remains, you conquered the grave oh take me back to the start. my darkness, my shame, my pain, my blame your light, your fame, your healing, your grace for me you gave your all. i am eternally yours. ming weareradical at 1:20 PM
Wednesday, September 09, 2009 Thursday, 10 September 09 many of you many not know who i am, and i guess its been a while since i ever posted on the cell blog or visited the cell. but after reading heather's post on cell and her memories with the cell, it made me think bacak of my own. its.. amazing how four years have passed by so fast, like as though there are those times im in a new cell now but i want to pause for a moment and go back to the days i was cell members with you guys! hehe:D like heather, i too feel that i learnt more about God week in week out as i went for cell one week after another and i enjoyed that (: i think cell also taught me courage and trust (: There was this once in sec three i was going through something tough and challenging, and i guess it sure took a lot a lots of courage to step out and be able to share it with the whole cell in sec three. Its then i realized cell's where we really should share lives. okay i guess i may sound like the next cell leader telling you that but... REALLY! (you know how much i love that word! haha). Cause thats how become pillars of support for one another (: It taught me trust too, pretty much. I dont know about you guys but for me i takes me to be able to trust something in order to keep on doing it again (; pretty much thats how it worked out. This whole thing about sharing my life with the cell built trust into me- trust that even though you guys may not have understood what i went through or how i felt back in sec three when i did that, that you all were still supporting me in prayer, through advice (: But my journey in central three cant be summarized in a post. Its been too many memories, lessons learnt, friendships made to be able to even type everything in just a post ((: you guys have a great cell :D M1's been great but miss you guys too okay! see you guys soon! -Alisa. weareradical at 7:28 PM
This is the scene in The Prince Of Egypt where Moses leads the people out of egypt. There can be miracles! (: Heather weareradical at 5:50 AM
Sunday, September 06, 2009 Hey, after reading Ming's post on our history as central 3 I decided to write something like that too, about what this cell means to me. When i entered this cell allll the way back in sec one, I was scared. Oh I was. I didnt know more than two people in Megalife and all I knew about weiming was his voice, after getting a call from him letting me know which cell i was in (Central 3 lah). Of course fear and the blues never linger and I really grew to love this cell. I loved everything. I loved the people, as small as we were back then. I love the way Daryl laughed, Shirleen farted ( God, please dont let her see this), Jae's wierdo hairstyles, Sherwyn's ego (its huger than ever now by the way), Ming's leadership. I loved sitting in a dark corner of the then unrenovated Victory chapel to play games, fellowship, and learn valuable lessons about God each week. Central three was, I can safely say, a fundamental part of my spiritual growth. From baby to what I am now. I never regretted a single day with Central Three. In fact, I would do it all over again! I loved the memories we made. The weekly grass patch dinners, concentration games, praying together, laughing and getting all serious together. I loved every minute of it. Central three was almost the biggest reason why I looked forward to saturday every single week! I thought things would always be the way they were. Then things started to change - Shirleen's batch graduated out of the cell, along with Daryl and Nicole. Around the same time Ming left for army, and I was like "huh? all gone?". I felt lost, like alot had suddenly been grabbed from me. A whole bunch, a real BIG bunch of sec ones came in (thats all of you, loves) and it kinda made it a little harder to adapt. That made me realise, how dependent I was on the cell. Too dependent, and that I needed to look for something more in my spiritual life than the people. And though I fell then, I began to grow in faith and reliance on God, and I think I emerged in better shape than I ever was. To present. I have mastered the art of reacting appropriately to silly antics and the LAMEST comments, all becasue of you guys. (: I love you all, esp the littler ones, cause you make me laugh each and every week. I feel happy when Im with you guys, and though we get messy and chaotic and rowdy at times, the sweet times we share totally overwrite that and I thank God for that. It is incredibly heartwarming to look and see how the youonger ones grow, and your devotion and faith is always an inspiration for me. For the older ones, esp the pots (yeah, we're old now), I am thankful to God for giving me good friends and partners like you guys to walk these years with me. I think we've seen each other grow and mature and its amazing how you guys step up and start becoming role models to the cell. Thank you, Ming, Shawn, Randolf, for being friends and leaders to us. To end it all, you all have a special place in my fist-sized little heart. Maybe a heart cell each. And seeing how we've grown, thats a realllllllllly big place! :D Love and God bless, HeaTher. weareradical at 9:26 AM
Saturday, September 05, 2009 hi guys (: ming here. just like to share with the rest who were not at service what we talked about at cell today. the "main sharing" was about living for Jesus. I asked the cell 3 questions in which i tried to get them to respond. 1. what does it mean to live for Jesus? 2. is it important to live for Jesus? 3. why is it difficult to live for Jesus? answer these 3 questions yourself and perhaps you can share with someone your difficulties and pray for each other. thats what we did (: next thing, i want to just give a shout out to everyone. all of you who are like really busy with school and all and hence cannot come, can i urge you guys... COME! 2 reasons why. 1. you gotta have a sabbath day. the sabbath law is one of the most pushed aside law. we tend to break it without even knowing it, neither do we feel guilty about it. ever wondered why? go figure. but more than just obeying they law, i believe the sabbath was put in place to help us to manage ourselves. our energy, our spiritual life. so please, do yourself a favor and take a sabbath on saturday (: 2. your spiritual life is important! cell is a time where we come together, worship, learn, PLAY, share, encourage. these are things that are to me, much more important than studying. of course you do it in moderation. once a week is not too much is it?? besides. its only 4pm to 10pm. its not even one whole day! consider it an investment of time. be smart. do the smart thing and invest in something that is really important and worthwhile. i can only say so much. know that i am praying for all of ya'll. i know exams are tough. i went through it all already. and AM NOW STILL GOING THROUGH IT. uni i tough man. even though i have only 3 days of school a week, im like struggling to keep up with my readings and all. and thing is, i have to monitor my own studies, cuz no teacher would do that for me anymore. which makes me even more conscious of the effort i have to put in. but thank God, i have been able to maintain a balanced life of friends, family and studies. but i'd tell ya'll honestly. have not been doing well spiritually. its quite hard to find a quiet time to do quiet time. especially now that im staying in the student accomodation. pray for me! okay! see you all really soon (: MING weareradical at 9:16 AM
Thursday, September 03, 2009 hey guys(: before you read this post, PLEASE scroll down and read ming and jae's posts first(: if you've done that, here are the baptism photos (daniel, andrew & jeriah's), sorry for delay, i've been kind of busy.. o.o nice smile andrew! haha ps ming the camera focused on andrew not you nervous? aww.. bestest of friends all smiles(: instructions :D :D:D out of the water! daniel looks refreshed still smiling(:(: :D:D:D big smiles(:(:(: andrew looks contented(: andrew wiping his face he's got his specs back on(: daniel shaking the water from his head (you can see water flying!) and now for jeriah... in preparation on the stage SP tellin' them to look at the cameras. but somehow not at me): weareradical at 11:47 PM