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Wednesday, November 18, 2009 " May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." Romans 15:5 Hey Central Three, let us be united by nothing other tha our faith, love and trust for and in the Lord. God bless! Heather weareradical at 10:02 PM
Sunday, November 15, 2009 Hey guys, Can someone upload a full updated(!!) name list of our cell so that i can do the design for the cell shirt? Thanks. Labels: Jeria Jeria Kua at 10:31 PM
Sunday, November 01, 2009 hey central 3, hope you guys are enjoying your post exam days! let's continue to keep those who're still having Os and other exams in prayer alright!:) anyway guys, let's not see coming to service and church as the most 'holy' thing you can do throughout the week alright. yes, you do worship, you do prayer, you do communion. but you can worship God anytime, anywhere. worship doesn't have to be singing songs! worship can be the simple actions that you do, the way you speak to each other, speaking into lives and all that. worship really, has no boundaries. let's not be stuck with just singing songs in saturday services alright. prayer, prayerful lifestyle. prayer should be done every single day, as much as possible. thanking God for the good, confessing our sins, just talking to God etc etc! communion is about remembering Jesus' sacrifice on the Cross (am i right? if i'm not please correct me!) and yeah. i don't think we need communion to remind us about what Jesus did for us. it's really messy but i do hope you get my drift. you don't judge how well the musicians play. worship comes from the heart. worship isnt even just restricted to songs! so why say worship was bad, when the truth is many a times it's us who aren't looking to God. or the truth is many a times we choose not to worship God. we choose to harp on the misfortunes that have happened, and we CHOOSE not to worship God for who He is and the blessings that He has given to us. every single day, that's what counts most. how you act all around, that's what counts most. you may be holy moley in church, but if you're crude, anger prone, jealousy prone and all that outside church that's hypocrisy. and i believe you know, what that means. you may be able to lead your cell members, you may be able to lead your church friends in church activities but if you cannot even lead your friends outside school to do the right things and worse still you join them, then you have some reflection to do. you may sing Lord i put you first in my life but during cell you turn on your handphone and start messaging unimportant stuff or playing handphone games. honestly, there's something that you'd need to do then. you may sing Lord i honour you, but if you fail to honour God's people i don't know how you're honouring God. guys, do NOT belittle others. do NOT put others down. do NOT disrespect others. love your neighbour as yourself. no one of us is greater than the other. guys, central 3. let's be Christians who truly live our entire life glorifying God. you may fool man, but i assure you you aren't even close to fooling God. have a great week, remember camp forms and missions collection alright:) jae Jae at 2:30 AM