![]() Central Three
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Thursday, December 10, 2009 Hey guys! Haha i think my second post here for a long long time. I sincerely hope you guys had a really good time bonding and having fun together during the cell outing(: haha i really hope u guys had as much fun as me :P esp. the water bomb game really(: This cell since the start has really made me become a different person. i mean, since the start when the number of new sec1s was around the number of the existing c3-ers , i've really made friends with a lot of people!(even people of my own batch :P) . I would really like to thank you guys for makin cell such an enjoyable time, to socialise and be able to develop our walk with God at the same time!(: Cell camp was really awesome.i mean, it was the time i really got to know a lot of people much better!(: although it was rather disgusting at times (*cough*) but mostly happy times(: big thanks really goes out to the cell camp com. who spent so many hours planning this really awesome camp(: (by the way, check out the photos of facebook by caleb) Our cell now is really really bonded, and im really thankful for you guys who prayed for me and zachary, cos i guess we were really touched by God, prompting us to do whats right, and we should!(: I would really cherish every moment i have with u guys and i love you all!(: Regards, Daniel(: weareradical at 5:15 AM
Tuesday, December 08, 2009 hey guys! Just wanna blog to say, cell outing was an awesome time today (: Today was actually pretty down for me right from the start, since morning I had been literally tearing in the bus on the way to church. But from the moment I joined in the ball games, going to the beach and stuff, you guys really made my day, distracted me and really made me felt the love and bondedness of central 3 (: I joined megalife in sec2, but since then have only been attending service every week, and stopped there. Sec 3 occasionally turned up for cell, but it wasnt until cell camp last year that I made up my mind to attend cell regularly. Looking back, I regret not attending cell regularly those times. I would have made so many more, deeper friendships with you guys, and now before I can do that, I'll soon be moving on the another cell alr. Those days the only people I knew was heather, sherwyn, jae, shirleen, alisa etc. ming to me was like a faraway figure, a leader to me only. Now I know how fun ming actually is, and how fun the rest are too. I guess I just wanna say thanks to all of you people, both the girls and guys. The girls have been so nice to me, so supportive and all. The guys are a weird funny lame bunch of people, but still very nice. I really dont wanna leave Central 3 this big happy family in Christ that I have, but I'm grateful for being here. love you guys, and God bless. (: -lihui weareradical at 8:12 AM
Monday, December 07, 2009 Hey c3! To thank Ming for leading our cell, i created this facebook group, which can be found : Pls join. thx Jeria Kua at 2:05 AM
Sunday, December 06, 2009 dearest central 3. thank you for all your posts on the blog. family. thats what we are. that is so true. jeanette brought up this analogy to me which i felt fit perfectly. i feel like a proud father. seeing each and everyone of you, grow and become awesome young men and women for Christ. I've been so blessed just getting to know you guys and all your words of encouragement, your care, and every little thing you guys do, just makes me love you all more (: despite me being so much older than you all, i feel like im more than a cell leader to you and you are more than cell members to me. you guys are friends. friends whom i will cherish for a long time to come. carrying on with the analogy. when i think about multiplication. i feel like a proud father marrying off his daughters and sons. each of you to begin your own family and write your own story. when the time comes for us to multiply, that would be the time that each one of you become, like i said during cell camp, pioneers. you will have your own sons and daughters and you will help them to grow. this is more than an administrative action. This is a God given opportunity for you guys to rise up! STEP OUT of your comfort zone, and charge forward to expand the kingdom of God. i thank you guys, jh and jeria, for your input. but i think that this is the best decision. if you guys wanna, we can talk about it. and i also thank you that you trust the leaders to make the best decision. because we are trying our very best to. whatever the decision in the end, i urge you to take what has been placed in your hands and use it to the fullest. we've got the whole world to save guys! and its going to start soon. use this next one month to just gear yourselves up for the coming school term. that is the mission field. we've a calling to go and make disciples! will you go? when we multiply. you can build the same closeness in your new cells once again. continue to be authentic and share life the way we do now. your juniors (the new sec ones) and whoever you guys might merge with, will be inspired to do the same. lastly, i urge you to run, all together [with] hearts ablaze with a fire that cant be tamed [for] God ; all glory to [his] name your father. (haha) ming weareradical at 5:59 AM
Saturday, December 05, 2009 Hey guys , This one year has been a hack of a time spending time with you guys, even in cell camp learning about god and growing in him and having fun with you guys have just been really great .I feel that Central three has extremely close bonds and we have really grown in the lord as well as in friendship and unity .I really love you guys as my second family and when i heard of the splitting i was dismayed , really up sad about the three cell thing . i really hope even after this year we all will still have the same close bonds like now . And really a big shout out for Wei Ming !Being a cell leader ain't no joke it takes commitment and it takes alot of strength , being an awesome cell leader takes anointing from god . I have to say that Wei Ming your the best !!! I love you guys central three Jon.h weareradical at 7:23 PM
hi guys(: honestly, i think it's gonna be hard for me to transition into like an only ri cell. but hey, that's (partly) what cell's for. support. and i KNOW i can rely on not just the ri guys, but on everyone to provide support not just for me, but for everyone else too. and what i saw just now during cell really encouraged, motivated, and touched me. everyone gathering around the people who really needed the support (daniel and zach), praying for them. and after tonight, i really truly believe that the ri cell is gonna be really bonded together :D and there's something else about our cell. every single passing moment, every second that goes by, the time that we spend together feels more and more precious, more and more valuable. it's not just me who feels that way. weekeong told me he feels that way too, and i'm pretty sure many other people share the feeling. okay my emotions and thoughts are super messy at the moment. it's probably cos man u just beat west ham 4-0 and i'm super sad. haha. well that's all i got for now. love all of you guys so much! :D jonathan b weareradical at 9:00 AM
hey c3 (: i totally agree with Jeria about what he has said, everything. when i looked back on my life and when i just joined the cell (together with my fellow sec 1 cellmates), and reflect upon everything, i can come up with two observations: 1. central 3 has many unique bonds between each centrallite, bonds so strong it really felt like being in a second family, when having worship, sharing, and games together. 2. my spirit has grown stronger alot, and i know deep inside that it would not have been possible by just myself. as for the first observation, well, i dunno, but i feel that bonds between each centrallite and i have is actually stronger than those i have with my ordinary school friends. after the cell camp, bonds between each of us (especially those who came for the camp) became stronger than ever, that i'm sure of. i also realised that central 3 has a very unique ways of worship (such as the "dance floor"), and not only that, almost every time, the sweet and strong presence of God was always there. i am finding words to express my feelings for central 3, but there isn't anyway i can describe how i feel towards central 3 and all its centrallites, the best word is still "family". in this cell, i witnessed firsthand what mutual trust is, as we are able to be authentic towards on another, like a split up group discussion we had a few weeks ago. apart from that, it was also the cell that spurred me on to continue in my regular Bible study, because it was mainly from my cellmates and cell leaders that showed me the importance of having Bible study everyday. apart from that, cell is always something i always look forward too, however tired i may be on any day, as i know that it is a time that we can have fun together, worship God together, and share a little bit of this and that of our lives with one another. Well, this is all i have to say for now. However, i believe that even after central 3 has "multiplied" into several more cells, central 3 will always be in our hearts and that nothing can make us forget all that we've been through together and central 3 will always be central 3 in our hearts. goodnight :) -Wee Keong weareradical at 8:47 AM
Hey c3!!! I wish to express my feelings about c3, as I couldn't from the laggy Internet connection at KFC just now. Ever since I became a centrallite a year ago, something changed in my life. I'm thankful for it too. Was it the worship? The sermon? The games? Yes. But most importantly the strong presence of God there. And the strong bond between every centrallite. I shall skip the long talk, but it impacted me to lead a life for Jesus, and thus leading to my baptism( unfortunately I didn't know that I could make a middle name. Oh well...). The strong bond between each centrallite was witnessed today by me. It was well...kinda heartwarming to see my friends conjure the courage to talk about their difficulties they had whether in school, home etc. After hearing, you could feel a sense of... Understanding. It is this strong bond that enables everyone to trust one another, and tell one another just about anything. Moving into a different cell will take a long time for this to happen. I feel that many of us feel the same way too. Riverlife has become my second home; c3, my second family. This day will never be forgotten. Regarding separation, I leave it to the leaders to decide; however I will still respect their decision. I know the tough responsibility of handling a big group of 40, as I have experienced it first-hand before. See you guys soon! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPod Jeria Kua at 8:05 AM
hey c3!(: [btw pls take alook at jon hwang & jeria's post below mine] my first time posting on this blog!(: cell was awesome today, had a really great time of fellowship(: i would really miss this cell next year ): thank you all so much for the jar with the cactus & the paper boat notes. i cried when i read it cos i was so touched. really (: and even though my cactus was the shortest, xP i still really liked it, quite cute ma ^^ like ME! haha xD ok anyway, on to admin stuff. this are the workshop details for the elevate camp i told you about today. for those of you who don't know, there would be workshops held for you guys during the 2nd day of the megalife-highlife camp, to allow you guys to know more about God's word and teachings. these are the elective workshops which you guys can choose from: 1.Leadership Exploration by David Ng Leadership is a state of being. It is who you are, what you believe, and how you behave. In this fact-informed workshop, we will look at what researchers and latest findings have to tell us about the core competencies required for those who want to rise to the place to influence others for change both in the marketplace and church. This is a workshop not to be missed if you are aspiring for leadership! 2. Using Your Gifts in Creative Arts by Thomas Chow God is a God of creativity and we are all creative being made in the image of God. In this cognitive and experiential workshop, we will unpack what the bible has to say about creativity and at the same time soak you into an experential learning on how you can use your passion in multi-media, song and script writing, drama, arts etc via different platforms to impact lives. 3.Using Your Gifts in Sports by Marie Chan This is a workshop for Sport lovers. In this fun workshop filled with activities, you will hear experiences from a lecturer and coach on how PE, physical activities and sports have helped people physically, cognitively, emotionally, and spiritually in reaching out to others. 4. Using Your Gifts in Science by Elder Dr. Freddy Boey God is a God of all creations. As His created being, we are gifted with the ability to invent and innovate to reflect Him. In this workshop, we will hear from a scientist and professor, on how to think innovatively to solve problems around us using science and thereby touching many lives. 5. Principles from Average to Great by Tony Lee There is an enemy called Average. Many people have resigned to staying at average and thereby living in mediocrity. In this workshop, we will impart cognitive restructing on how you can breakout of limitations, patterns and mediocre thinking and rise to greatness wherever you are. 6.Discovering Your Ministry by Joachim Tan (For P6s - compulsory) [on a side note: ming says not to be deterred, you can also join if u feel God is leading you to join this workshop, cos it'll be a great opportunity(:] God has given everyone specific gifts, passions, and talents to build up the universal church. Discover how at a young age you could start to identify, develop, and serve in the strengths and passion that God has placed within your heart! Many have been called, but few are chosen. Are you soing something about it today? yup please indicate your 1st, 2nd & 3rd choice, and let the respective people know what ur 3 choices are. RI report to Jon Boey. ACS, Coral, SCGS, Junyuan report to Wee Keong. DHS report to me ((: ok please try to tell us ur choices by 10th december yea? THANKS SO MUCH! God bless and see you next week! ~vivian! vivian at 7:08 AM
Hey c3! I feel that RI and ACS should be in one cell next year when we split. RI is in a small number of 9, while ACS has 7, excluding sherwyn and Derek unless sherywn is staying. Moreover, very few students enter RI and ACS every year. We also feel that we have bonded very closely this 1 year. Thus I Would like to suggest a petition for RI and ACS to be merged next year. However, we would still respect the decision of the leaders If they would disagree. Sincerely, Jon Hwang and jeria - Posted using BlogPress from my iPod Jeria Kua at 6:30 AM