![]() Central Three
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Wednesday, January 27, 2010 hey c3(: first up, congratulations:) we've suceeded in multiplying. i'm sorry that i wasn't able to attend our farewell cell, but it was really a decision that i had to make- to honour my family. i leave you guys with no regrets. God has blessed us in abundance. to be able to reach the number of disciples we have now, was really unthinkable just last year, as i believe many of you would know. numerically our attendance was at an all time low. look at where we are now(: honestly. it feels like my heart is being torn apart. ripped apart. haha. central three is my home. it's really where i belong, where. i'm just filled with so much joy. so much fun, so much laughter. it's the place i grew up in. we're all selfish people. we want to remain where we are, in our comfort zones. we don't wanna take risks, we're doing so well already. why must we share what we have. why must we multiply. why can't we just stay together. million and one questions. simple answer, you've no choice. the right (and holy) answer. move with God. honour God. stay strong man. it's not going to be an eaasy period of transition. transition is rarely smooth. but keep the faith. support your leaders. most of all, trust God. :) JAE Jae at 5:09 AM
Saturday, January 23, 2010 hey central 3 (: my 2nd time posting on this blog. i had a really good time with you all today(: i'll never forget all the times we've been through together, whether happy or sad :D though i wish that we had more time together, i trust that God has a bigger and greater plan for all of us, and central 3 is like the preparation for the bigger plan :D though one chapter has ended, another new one begins :D let's look to the future yea? like ming says, let's bring what we have in this cell to our new cells(: this cell has really been a big part of who i've become today, in just 2 years i've been with this cell, i've grown so much, both spiritually and mentally. :D i've made some really awesome friends whom i really appreciate alot, and i regret not gettting to know some of you better >< thanks for everything you've given me, i love you guys, and i'll miss you!(: all the best in you new cell, and God bless! Always be a shining light for Jesus and keep that fire for God burning(: Always believing in you, Vivian! :D p.s. maybe we could have combine cell outing some time!(: vivian at 6:55 AM
Sunday, January 17, 2010 Sunday, 17 January 10' hey central three, its Alisa here(: okay. maybe this sounds weird saying it, since i kinda have moved on from c3 and already but you guys still hold this special place in my heart as the first ground ive ever learnt to share my life with fellow siblings in Christ. and though i hardly pay visits because jc life keeps me really busy :( but i still cherish central three, the cell and my time there. and.. as you guys multiply, i wish i could have around not just as an alumni but as a member to see the cell grow to where it is today (: its so heartwarming to see how God has grown this cell central three and sometimes i do wish i was still around though m1's been real good(: and im sure God will be with you guys, every step of the way. God believes in you guys and im sure He has His great plans for you((: when the going gets tough God will be there(: and im sure in His own way He would use you guys to be a blessing to your new cell members around you((: so anyway, all the best and head forth with strength and courage and anticipation into the things God has in store for you guys(: yup! Alisa. weareradical at 6:50 AM
HI GUYS! so finally, farewell cell (: i got 3 words for you guys... DONT EMO LEH! its finally time for us to move on, and move forward in the plans God has for us. many stories will be born out of your lives. amen and amen. BUT of course, central 3 will always be so dear to most, if not all of us (: so lets have a good farewell this saturday. here are the instructions. for those that were in central 3 camp, this is similar to what we did there.. we will be having a time to exchange words and hugs and encouragements. ( no kissing pls, JAE) what you are supposed to do is, write on a piece of paper "i believe in you" and go to any person whom you feel you want to say something to and say whatever you wanna say. say things like thank you for this and that, and tell that person that you believe in him/her, and why! and whatever else you may have to say(only kind words!) and at the end, say "i believe in you". simple? great. of course alternatively, many of you would prefer to give little notes to each other. i think thats great too, because then the person can keep it forever and ever (: BUT! i have a condition.. you MUST read out what you have written on that piece of paper to that person. (: bless each other in speech (: can can??? i suggest you guys start preparing this week your notes and whatever, so that on that day itself you dont have to scramble to write to each other... lastly on this matter, can i encourage you guys to approach people whom you may not be close to? yupp. we are all ONE cell. together. leave no one out (: yayy.. next thing... WONDERING IF YOU GUYS WANNA HAVE A DRESS CODE. there is the cell tee shirt, but perhaps we can dress something else? was thinking of white and black.. like.. all the girls come in white, all the guys come in black. that might be nice (: let me know what you think.. sms me k? 97396744. or can just tag here.. i'll check everyday. see you sat! ming weareradical at 6:36 AM
Friday, January 01, 2010 Dear God, as the new year comes around I thank you for a wonderful year spent with central three. I thank you for every moment we have spent together, every laugh we have shared and even every tear we have shed together. Thank you for the support I find in my cell members and the love they bring to me and bring out in me. Thank you that you are with us constantly and your love is unfailing. Thank you for the talkative and chatty, the quiet and meek. Thank you for the confident, thank you for the shy. Thank you for the small, thank you for the big. Thank you for the tall, thank you for the short. (yes!) Thank you for the expressive, thank you for those who are quietly appreciative. Thank you for the kind and the lovely. Thank you for the hugely talented, but also thank you for those who have yet to discover where heir true talent lies. Thank you for the discerning and the wise, but also for those who possess that childlike innocence. Thank you for the leaders, and thank you for those who trust and follow. Thank you God, for everyone who can call himself or herself a part of central three, because it is every unique member that forms the beautiful work that we are as a cell. Even though I am going to miss every single one of them so, so much, God I thank you because I know my friends and loved ones are in your good hands, all the days of their lives. Amen "The Lord watches over you - the Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord will keep you from all harm - he will watch over your life The Lord will watch over your coming and going, both now and forevermore." Psalms 121:5-8 God bless your new year!! Heather weareradical at 5:07 AM